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Федеральное агентство по образованию

Федеральное государственное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

«Сибирский федеральный университет»

Елина Е.Н.,
Курбачева Г.А., Злобина С.А. Григорьева О.А.,

Учебно-методическое обеспечение самостоятельной работы

по дисциплине «Иностранный язык для аспирантов и соискателей»

« Повышение коммуникативной компетенции аспирантов и





1. Общие сведения 3

2. Общая характеристика самостоятельной работы по дисциплине и 3

компетентностный подход

3. Структура и методика реализации самостоятельной работы: 7

-самостоятельное изучение материала по лекциям 7

-задания по коммуникативному практикуму 9

-реферат по спецкурсу 50

4. Реализация графика самостоятельной работы 52

5. Методика применения кредитно-рейтинговой системы 53

6. Литература и информационные источники 55

7. Методика проведения промежуточной аттестации по дисциплине 56

1. Общие сведения
В современных условиях, когда объем необходимых для человека
знаний резко возрос, уделяется внимание организации самостоятельной
работы аспирантов и соискателей.
В этой связи интерес приобретает разработка рекомендаций, форм
организации, методов управления и контроля самостоятельной работы
аспирантов и соискателей, изучающих иностранный язык.
Выбор видов самостоятельной работы обусловлен главной целью курса
иностранного языка для аспирантов и соискателей « Повышение
коммуникативной компетенции аспирантов и соискателей» , которая
заключается в повышении коммуникативной компетенции аспирантов и
соискателей, которая декомпенсируется на формирование следующих
субцелей (компетенций): языковой, социокультурной, межкультурной,
Данные рекомендации для самостоятельной работы аспирантов и
соискателей составлены, исходя из вышеуказанных компетенций и
структуры всего курса. Общее количество часов, отводимое на
самостоятельную работу в рамках данного курса составляет 28 часов.

2. Общая характеристика самостоятельной работы по дисциплине

и компетентностный подход

Самостоятельная работа по курсу «Повышение коммуникативной

компетенции» составляет 28 часов. Из них 12 часов отводится на изучение
теоретического курса, 6 часов на задания по коммуникативному практикуму
и 10 часов на реферат.

Цель самостоятельной работы: развить у аспирантов и соискателей

следующие виды компетенций:

Языковая: знание и способность использовать формальные средства для

создания грамматически правильных и значимых высказываний:

лексическая компетенция; грамматическая компетенция; семантическая

компетенция; фонологическая компетенция

а) фонологическая: уметь правильно произносить устные высказывания,
интонационно оформлять высказывание (деление на интонационно-смысловые
группы синтагмы), ставить фразовое и логическое ударение, соблюдать паузы
хезитации, воспроизводить мелодию, тоны и ритм;

- правильно ставить словесное ударение в двух и многосложных словах, при


- уметь противопоставлять долготу и краткость гласных; закрытость-

открытость; звонкость-глухость конечного согласного, использовать
глотальную смычку (glottal stop), правильно соединять и произносить
следующие сочетания согласных: in the; and the, is that…);

- уметь распознавать фонетическую редукцию, сильные и слабые формы слов:

ассимиляцию и выпадение конечного гласного;

- знать особенности и трудности аудирования разговорного неофициального

стиля: сегментные явления ассимиляции, разной степени редукции, элизии,
супрасегментные (особенности ритма, тональные особенности логического
членения фразы, выделение слова в разговорной речи сопровождающееся
резким тональным изменением);

- формирование новых акустических эталонов, развитие речевого слуха на их


- достигнуть при рецепции звучащей речи не только понимания

содержательной стороны, но и правильной оценки общей тональности
общения, взаимоотношений коммуникантов, правильной интерпретации
коннотаций, передаваемых просодическими средствами;

- знать особенности фонетических стилей речи.

б) лексико-семантическая компетенция:

- знать и использовать лексические средства по предложенной программой

тематике (лексический минимум): коллоквиализмы, сленгизмы, ‘модные
слова”, неологизмы, устойчивые фразы и выражения разговорного стиля
носителей языка;

- знать дополнительные значения и отношения с другими языковыми
- знать дополнительные значения и отношения с другими языковыми
- знать синонимы (антонимы);
- уметь идентифицировать контекстуальное значение слов.

в) грамматическая компетенция:

- распознавать главные члены предложения, определять границы членов

предложения (стилистическое членение предложения), знание типов
предложений, характерных для неофициального (разговорного стиля);
эллиптические предложения следующих типов: неавтономные
(контекстуальные) предложения, автономные (ситуативные) предложения;
неполные предложения, используемые аспирантами и соискателями в диалоге,
при контактном общении, в неофициальной ситуации (монологические
высказывания), эмфатические и инверсионные структуры, коммуникативные
типы предложений;

- использовать средства выражения смыслового (логичного) центра

предложения и модальность;

- знать особенность и приемы перевода вышеуказанных грамматических



а) лингвистический аспект: обучение английскому языку (general English);

б) овладение социолингвистическими регистрами: использование английского
языка в различных социальных ситуациях, ознакомление с гендерными,
лингвистическими и социальными, стилистическими кодами английского
с) информационный аспект: поведенческие и разговорные коды; традиции,
обычаи, элементы страноведения.
- уметь идентифицировать социальные, региональные коды;
- знать основные традиции, обычаи, поведенческие и культурные особенности
англичан, тонкости английского юмора;
- использовать язык per se в языковом аутентичном милье;
- знать этикет общения в наиболее часто посещаемых городах мира (Лондон,
Атланта, Чикаго, Лос-Анджелес, Вашингтон, Сан-Франциско и т.д.);

-знать маркеры социальных отношений (выбор и использование приветствий,

форм обращения, условностей при ведении диалога, восклицаний);
-знать правило вежливости (позитивная, негативная вежливость) и правила
использований «спасибо», «пожалуйста», невежливость (резкость,
прямолинейность, выражение недовольства, упрека и т.д.);
-знать народную мудрость (пословицы, идиомы, поверья, оценки);
-знать и уметь пользоваться регистрами общения (устаревший, официальный,
нейтральный, неформальный, разговорный и интимный);
-уметь распознавать (угадывать) диалекты и акценты (языковые особенности
социальных слоев, места проживания).


овладение знанием и пониманием схожести и различности “исходного мира”

и “изучаемого”; знания региональных и социальных различий этих миров
- способность сочетать влияние родной и иностранной культур;
- восприимчивость к новым культурам и способность воспринимать и
использовать многообразие методов для восприятия их соответствий в других
- способность быть посредником между родной и чужой культурами;
- успешно улаживать конфликтные ситуации, возникающие на почве
культурных различий.

прагматическая: наличие у обучаемых знаний о принципах: компетенция

дискурса, функциональная компетенция, компетенция схематического
построения речи:

а) компетенция дискурса:
- способность распределять слова в предложения, строить текст с учетом темы/
ремы; причина-следствие; тематики, связности и целостности; логики, стиля и
регистра общения, воздействия на собеседника; способа подачи информации;

б) функциональная компетенция:
- уметь искать и сообщать факты;
- уметь выражать свое мнение и выяснять мнения других;
- уметь убеждать; социализироваться в иноязычном милье (привлечение
внимания, обращение, приветствие, знакомство…);
- уметь и знать, как построить разговор (начало, ход, завершение);

в) компетенция схематического построения речи:

- знать и уметь использовать простейшие схемы: (вопрос-ответ; утверждение-

согласие/несогласие, просьба, предложение, извинение-принятие/неприятие;
приветствие, тост - ответная реакция).

3. Структура и методика реализации самостоятельной работы

Самостоятельная работа состоит из следующих разделов:

Раздел I

1.1. Правила грумминга («The Grooming-talk rules») 4ч.


Правила представления и неназывания имени, проблема «Pleased

to meet you», дистанция общения, стратегии «reciprocal Disclosure»,
гендерные различия в правилах болтовни, беседы, сплетен; правило
обратной связи «the feed back»; женское правило контркомплиментарности;
мужское правило: «мое лучше, чем твое», правило прощания «The Long
goodbye rule»


1.Aslet, Clive: Anyone for England? А Search for British Identity, London,
Little, Brown, 1997
2. Bryson, Bill: Notes from а Small Island, London, Doubleday, 1995
3. Dunbar, Robin: Grooming, Gossip and the Evolution of Language,
London, Faber , 1996.

1.2. Английский юмор («Humour rules») 4ч.

Правило «The Importance of Not being Earnest», «Oh, come off it», ирония в
английском юморе, недосказанность; правило самоуничижения; классовые

1. Priestley, J. В.: English Humour, London, William Heinemann, 1976

2. Storry, Mike and Childs, Peter (eds): British Cultural Identities, London,
Routledge, 1997.

1.3. Общение в английском пабе («Pub –talk») 2ч.


Правило социабильности, правило «невидимой очереди» перед барной

стойкой, пантомимы; исключение из правил; «Ps and Qs» и «And One for
yourself»-принципы вежливого эгалитаризма;
правила приветствия, кодированная беседа в пабе.


1. Fox, Kate: Passport to the Рub: The Tourists Guide to Рub Etiquette,
London, 1996.
2. Fox, Kate: The Racing Tribe: Watching the Horsewatchers, London,
Metro, 1999

1.4. Правила игры («Rules of play») 2ч.


Приватность; TV правила: soap operas, sit-coms, реалити-шоу; правила чтения

(bogside reading), чтение газет, шоппинг, этикет ухаживания за животными,
правила поведения в клубах, пабах, распитие алкогольных напитков.


1. Fox, Kate: Passport to the Рub: The Tourists Guide to Рub Etiquette,
London, 1996.
2. Hodkinson, Paul: Goth: Identity, Style and Subculture, Oxford, Berg,
3. Mikes, George: How tо bе а Brit, London, Penguin, 1984

Раздел II. Задания по курсу (коммуникативному практикуму):

2.1. Выполните задания для самостоятельной работы

к модулю 3 “English in Social situations” (6ч)
Lesson 1.

1. Match the event with the invitation.

1. Let' s go visit my parents Saturday. а. You' re inviting а colleague.

2. Mr. Miller requests the pleasure
of your company on Saturday. b. You' re inviting а friend.
3. Bill from marketing is having
а party on Saturday. Would you like
to come with me? с. You' re sending а formal
2. Write "Т" if уоu think the statement is true or "F" if уоu think it is false.
1. ________When you are invited to а Halloween party, you should wear а
business suit.
2. ________А "black " event is an informal event.
3.________Women usually wear evening gowns to formal receptions and men
wear dinner jackets.
4.________It' s generally acceptable to wear jeans to а company picnic.
5. _______If you are invited to your company's holiday party, you should dress
very casually.
compliments to give to the hostess of the party you’ re attending.

Put a check mark in front of the appropriate compliments and an X in front

of the inappropriate compliments to give to the hostess of the party you’re
1. _______What а pretty color on you! It goes well with your hair.
2. _______love your watch. Did your boyfriend give it to you?
3. _______What а great old dress you have on!
4.________I’ve seen you in that suit before.
5. _______You look lovely.
6. _______What а pretty skirt. It looks expensive.

Match the sentences in the first column with the sentences in the second
column that have similar meanings.
1. _______It fits you like а glove. а. Congratulations!
2. _______Не would give you the shirt off his back. b. They are not vеrу
3. _______Hats off to you! с. The dress is perfect
for you.
4. _______Our company will have to tighten its belt. d. Не is very generous.
5. _______I wouldn' t want to be in their shoes. е. We have to be
careful with money.

Lesson 2.

1. Read the following situations and select the best response.

1. You' ve just соте to а party. You' re introducing yourself. You say ...
а. Hi, everybody! Му name is ...
Ь. Do you know where the food is?
с. I don' t believe we’ve been introduced. My name is ...
2. You' re trying to start а conversation with someone you' ve just met. You say ...
а. So, what' s new?
b. How do you like the party?
с. How much money do you make?
3. You' re introducing а new friend to а group of friends. You say ...
а. Everyone, I’d like to introduce my friend Laurie.
b. Неу, guys, Laurie is here.
с. like you to meet my new friend. But! forgot her name.
4. You' ve forgotten someone' s name. You say ...
а. We were introduced earlier, but I didn' t hear your name.
Ь. I forgot your name. What is it again?
с. You' re the one with the funny name, right?

2. To whom would уоu say this: (а) уоur boss or (b) your best friend?
1. ________Thank you for inviting me to your house. I’ve had such а nice time.
2. ________Wow, what а party!
3. ________I had а great time. Your family' s great.
4. ________It' s been а lovely evening. Thank you for the invitation.

3. Which of the following things might you say to express polite interest to
someone you don’t know very well? Check all that apply.

3. ________Really?
2. ________That' s impossible!
3. ________На!
4. ________Hmmm.
5. ________That' s fascinating.
6. ________That' s ridiculous.
7. ________I don' t like that.
8. ________That' s interesting.
9. ________ see.

Lesson 3

1. Write the missing lines of the conversation. Ве creative!

Guest 1: This looks good. What' s in it?

Guest 1: Did you say raw fish?
Guest 1: (whispering to another guest so that the host cannot hear) Have you ever
tried this dish?
Guest 2:
Guest 1:
2. Polite or impolite? You are at dinner party and you are unfamiliar with the
food that is being served Decide which expressions are polite (P) and which
are impolite (!).
1. ______No, thanks. I’vе never had it before.
2. ______Could you show me how to eat this?
3. ______What does it taste like?
4. ______I don' t like this.
5. ______Sure, I’ll try а little.
6. _____I don' t want to try anything new.
7. ______What is it?
8. ______I haven' t had this before, but I’ll try а small piece.

3. Select the answer to the question

1. _____Could I have more soup, please? а. Just а little, the

saucy is so good.

2. _____Would you like some cake? b. Of course!

3. Would you mind if I had more cheese? с. No, thank you, I
don' t eat meat.
4. Won' t you have а little more pasta? d. Of course not!
5. Would уоu like some steak? e. No, thank you, I
already had some.

4. Write а response to the question, following the instructions.

1. Would you like some shrimp curry? (decline; you’ re allergic to seafood)
2. Would you some ice cream (accept; you’d like a little more)
3. Would you like some mогe vegetables? (accept; they're delicious)
4. How about some steak (decline; you'rе а vegetarian)

Lesson 4

1. Match the situations with what уоu would say.

1. ________You' re at а party and you didn' t hear
what someone has said to you. а. "If I understood correctly, you said ..."
2. ________You' re not sure you have understood
what somebody has said to you. b. "What ! was trying to say was ..."
3. Somebody didn' t understand what
you said. c. “Would you please repeat what you said?”

2. Write "Т" if уоu think the statement is true or "F" if уоu think it is false.
1. _________It is polite to ask someone to repeat himself.
2. _________It shouldn' t be embarrassing to admit that you haven' t understood
what someone has said.
3. _________It' s impolite to ask for an explanation of something you didn' t
4. _________It' s а bad idea to apologize if you don' t understand something.
5. _________"I beg your pardon" also means "excuse me ..."

3. Уоu need to leave а party and you’ re trying to end а conversation so уоu
can go. Circle all the statements that could be appropriate in this situation.
а. Вуе! I’m late!
b. It was very nice talking to you, but I have to leave now.
с. This was not а very interesting party. Гm leaving.
d. I’m sorry, but it' s getting late and I have а long drive home.

4. Choose the correct expression that is related to the situation described and
write a sentence including the expression. (Note: You may need to change the
pronoun or verb forms to make the expression the rest of the sentence.)
put one' s nose into someone' s business slip of the tongue
touchy subject put one' s foot
in one' s mouth
1. Someone is looking over your shoulder as you’re reading something personal.
2. Someone is talking about а party you haven' t been invited to. Now you feel left
That person
3. Your friend advises you not to ask another friend about her husband because
they are not
getting along.

She might
4. You complain about your job, but you don' t know your boss is at the next table
and can easily hear you.

Lesson 5

1. Select the answers to the questions. Not all answers will be used.

1. _______When would money be burning а hole

а. when you are rich
in your pocket?
b. when you pay too much for it
2. _________When would you be throwing money
с. when you don' t pay enough for it
down the drain?
d. when you pay too little for it
3. _________When would something cost you
е. when you can' t wait to spend it
an arm and a leg?
f. when you feel good
4. _________When might you feel like а million
g. when you spend it foolishly dollars?

2. Match the sentences in the first column with the responses in the second
1. _________Congratulations on your promotion! а. Yes, I’m available.
2. __________I’m glad you could join me for lunch. b. ОК. What about
3. __________Listen, it's my treat, but! want you to с. Thanks for
inviting me.
pick the place, ОК?
4. _________Let' s go out and celebrate. Are you free d. Thanks!
tomorrow night?

3. Complete the dialogues.

А. You have found an old table you want to buy, but you have noticed а defect and
you want the
seller to lower the price.
Вuуег: How much are you asking for this old table?
Seller: $200.
Seller: I’ll go as low as
В. You have seen а lower price at another store.
Buyer:! saw this camera for $50 less at ElectroniX. Any chance you' d sell it to me
for their price?

Lesson 7

1. Write а criticism using the softening words "but" or "guite."

1. You don' t like your brother' s sweater.

2. You don' t agree with your colleague.
3. You don' t like the book your friend gave you.
4. You noticed that the information in your boss' report is incorrect.
2. You ordered party invitations for weeks ago and the company promised they’d
delivered two weeks ago. Complete the phone conversation below, in which you
complain to the company that you haven’t received the invitations yet and уоu
need them now.

Customer Service: Hello. Unique Cards. This is Susan. Can I help you?
Customer Service: We have had some problems with the designer.
Customer Service: I’m sorry about the delay. To compensate you for the
inconvenience, wе'ге
going to give you the invitations for half the original price.

3. Write а response to the following apologies.

1. I shouldn' t have said that. Can you forgive me?

2. Please accept my apologies. I promise it won' t happen again.
3. We' re sorry for the inconvenience.
4. I’m really sorry. I goofed.

Lesson 8

1. Make a request using the prompts below.

1. Ask your boss if you can leave early because ...
2. Ask your со-worker if you can ...
3. Ask your boss if it is OK to…
4. Ask a friend to do a favor for you…
5. Ask your co-worker not to…

2. With a response either accepting or avoiding a commitment. Try to use a

different phrase with each response.
1. Could you help me write this report?
2. Could you take me to the train station after work?
3. I need someone to water my plants while I'm on vacation.
4. Can you help me pick out а gift for Luis?

3. Match the sentences in the first column with those in the second column
that have similar meanings.
1. ______Please don' t tell anybody. а. You can count on her.
2. ______I’ve changed my mind. b. Не always spills the beans.
3. ______Не can' t keep а secret. с. Don' t tell а soul.
4. ______She always does what she says she' ll do. d. Не promises the moon.
5. ______Не offers everything and delivers nothing. e. I take that back.

Lesson 9

1. You are watching a movie at your friend’s house. Complete your lines of the
conversation below.
Reassure your friend.
Friend: What was that? I think I heard а noise upstairs.
Friend: Do you think it might be somebody in the house?
Friend: I guess you' re right. I’m just а little nervous.
2. You are very late meeting friends at their house. Your friends were worried.
Complete your lines of the conversation.
Friends: Why are you so late?
Friends: Why didn' t you call?

3. Circle the expression that does NOT have the same meaning as the others
1. Be carefull!! а. Watch out! b. I told you! c. Look out!
2. What a relief! a. That’s hot b. Now I can relax! c. It’s over!
3. black and blue a. bruised b. hurt c. happy
4. seasick a. tired b. ill c. nauseous
5. Break a leg! a. Good luck! b. See you later c. Do well
6. I’m glad I could help a.You are welcome b. Thank you c. Anytime

4. Match the questions and answers.

1. ______Can ! help you with those packages? а. No, I’m feeling better.
Thank you.
2. ______Can I give you а lift? b. Yes, that would be great.
3. _____ Would you like me to call а doctor? с. Thank you. They' re
awfully heavy.
4. _____Do you need help with the project? d. No, thanks. I’m almost

Lesson 10.

1. Write “T” if you think the statement is true or “F” if you think it is false
1. _______it’ s OK to admit you don’t understand a joke.
2. _______You should never ask someone to explain a joke.
3. ______“Knock-knock” jokes are popular with children.
4. ______Everybody finds the same jokes funny.

2. Finish the jokes.

1. A boss tells his new employee, “I’ll give you 8 bucks an hour starting today, and
in three months I’ll raise it to 10 bucks an hour. So when would you like to

a. “in 3 months” b. “How about never?”

2. A young businessman had just started his own company. He had rented a
beautiful office and had it furnished with expensive furniture. He saw a man come
into the outer office. Wishing to appear important. The businessman picked up the
phone and started to pretend that he was finishing an important business
conversation. After he hung up, he asked the visitor:” Can I help you?”________

a. “Yes, have we met before?” b. “Yes, I ‘ve come to activate your phone

3. What did the speaker really want to say? Write an equivalent to the sarcastic

1. That’s good one.

2. You’re early today.
3. That was really nice of you.
4. He is soooo generous.
4. Choose the right foreign word.

1. Paul is____________ ____of Cubar cigars.

a. an aficionado b. a protege
2. Giorgio is a person with great ____________
a. a mano a mano b. savoir-faire
3. early in his career, Ernest Hemingway was the ___________
a. protйgй b. bon-vivant
4. Louis B. Mayer was_________in the film industry.
a. verboten b. tyccon
5. Charles de Gaulle was extremely charismatic. He was a leader ___________
a. par excellent b. non sequitur

Lesson 11

1. Respond according 1о the prompts.

1. Guess what. Chris asked Vicky to marrу him!
That' s good news.
That' s bad news.
That' s neither good nor bad.
2. Guess what. I quit my job.
That' s good news.
That' s bad news.
That' s neither good nor bad.

2. Match the sentences in the first column with the sentences in the second

1. _____You' ve just won а trip to Tahiti!

а. Oh, that s too bad.
2. _____Му sister is very ill.
b. Really? You' re joking, right?
3. _____We' re moving to our new house next month.
с. Congratulations! I’m so happy for you.
4. _____We can' t afford to take а vacation this year.
d. I’m sorry to hear that. I got а new job today.
е. How exciting! But it’s also а lot of work, isn't it?

3. Put a check mark in front of the phrase that most closely matches the first
one in meaning
1. Time heals alI wounds.
______а. You will never feel better.
______b. You will feel better someday, but it takes time.
______с. You will feel better in а week.
2. No news is good news.
______а. If you don' t hear anything, that means everything' s ОК.
______b. If you don' t hear anything, that doesn' t mean anything.
______с. If you don' t hear anything, that' s bad.
3. Misery loves company.
______а. Tell me your troubles anytime.
______b. Tell me your troubles. I’ll give you advice.
______с. Tell me your troubles and I’ll tell you mine.
4. Bad news travels fast.
______а. Everyone knows when something good happens.
______b. Everyone knows when anything happens.
______с. Everyone knows when something bad happens.

2.2. Выполните самостоятельно дополнительные задания к модулю 3

“English in Social Situations”

Unit 1. Departure and arrival


Mr. Thabo is traveling from Johannesburg, South Africa, to New York City. Let's
listen as he checks in at the ticket counter. First, read through the dialogue once.
Then listen to it at normal conversational speed. You'll have a chance to listen and
repeat later.

Attendant: Where will you be flying today?

Mr. Thabo: New York.
Attendant: May I see your ticket, passport, and visa, please?
Mr. Tha bo: Here you go. My visa's on page six of my passport.
Attendant: Would you like a window or an aisle seat?
Mr. Th a bo: Aisle, please.
Attendant: Do you prefer smoking, or non-smoking?
Mr. Thabo: Non smoking.
Attendant: I have 13 E available. How many pieces of luggage do you have?
Mr.Thabo: Two.
Attendant: Here's your boarding pass. The plane will board half an hour prior to
departure. You'll be leaving from gate three, on your left.
Mr. Thabo: Thank you.
Now listen to the dialogue again. This time, repeat after the native speakers
in the pauses provided.

Now Mr.Thabo has arrived in NewYork, and he's going through immigration. Again
you'll hear the dialogue first at normal, conversational speed. Then you'll hear it again
with pauses so that you can repeat what you hear.

Announcement: Welcome to John F Kennedy International Airport. Please have your

passport and immigration forms ready.
Official: What's the purpose of your visit? Business or pleasure?
Mr. Thabo: Pleasure.
Official: How long will you be staying in the United States?
Mr. Thabo: Three months.
Official: OK. Please proceed to customs.
Customs Official: Do you have dairy or meat products with you?
Mr. Thabo: No.
Customs Official: OK, you're all set.
Listen to the dialogue a second time, and repeat in the pauses provided.
Finally, Mr.Thabo has gone through passport control and customs, he's picked up
his luggage, and he's ready to go from the airport into the city. He could take a
train, a bus, or a taxi, but since he's staying in the US for three months, he decides
to rent a car for a week instead to take a look around. Let's listen.

Mr. Thabo: Hi. I'd like to rent a car for a week.

Agent: What kind would you like?
Mr.Thabo: A compact.
Agent: May I see your driver's license?
Mr. Thabo: Will my international license do?
Agent: Sure. Just fill out this form. Write your address here and sign your name on
the bottom of the page. Unlimited mileage and the mandatory collision insurance
are included.
Mr. Thabo: Do I have to return the car to this location?
Agent: No, you can drop it off at any of our local branches. Mr. Th a bo: The
keys are in the car?
Agent: Yes. Our complimentary bus to the parking lot is through the door
to your right.
Mr.Thabo: Great!
Listen once more to the dialogue, and repeat in the pauses provided.

Words in action

Now let's go back and review some of the vocabulary that you heard in the
dialogues. Remember that the words and expressions in bold are on your
recordings to help you practice your pronunciation. First, however, read through
all of the vocabulary and practice aloud.

window seat
I'd like a window seat so I can watch the landing.

The flight attendant is standing in the aisle.

smoking section
I have to sit in the smoking section because my wife smokes. Many
restaurants do not have smoking sections.

Are there any tickets available for the opera tomorrow night?
Is Mrs. Ramirez available for an appointment on Tuesday, February 18?

prior to
She has to buy all of her books prior to the first day of classes; she needs them
before the class starts.
You have to arrive at the airport at least two hours prior to your flight.

immigration forms
Be sure to use a pen when filling out the immigration forms.
After going through passport control, the passengers proceeded to customs.

Milk, yogurt, and cheese are all dairy products.

you're all set

All I need is your signature, and you're all set to go.
I was all set to leave the house, but the phone rang.


I don't need a big car; a compact will do.

Laptop computers have become very compact; the older ones used to be bigger.

unlimited mileage
With unlimited mileage, you don't have to pay extra for every mile you drive.

You have to take collision insurance; it's mandatory.

The tip is not included in your bill; you have to leave the waiter extra money,

drop off
I asked the taxi driver to drop me off at Fifth Avenue and 43rd Street.
He dropped off his laundry in the morning, and he'll pick it up in the evening.

This isn't our only branch office; we have branches all over the United States. Her
company opened a branch office in Cape Town.

Now turn on the recording and listen to the vocabulary in bold. Repeat each
word or expression, and the example sentence, in the pauses provided.

Unit 2. Asking for directions

Dialogue 1: Can you tell me How to get to…?

Richard is driving toward Stamford, Connecticut, but he's not familiar with the city
and he decides to stop on his way to buy a map. He stops at a convenience store to
see if they can help him. Let's listen.

Richard: Do you sell maps?

Salesperson: No, I'm sorry, we don't.
Richard: Just my luck.
Salesperson: Maybe I can help you.
Richard: Well, can you tell me how to get to Stamford?
Salesperson: Sure. Follow the highway south for about ten miles, and
get off at Exit 30. At the end of the ramp, make a left on to Park Street.
Richard: Left at the end of the ramp?
Salesperson: Yes. Then, at the traffic light, turn right on to Maple Lane. At the
next intersection, turn left and you'll be in the center of Stamford.
Richard: Thanks a lot.
Salesperson: You're welcome.
Now listen to the dialogue again. This time, repeat after the native speakers
in the pauses provided.

Dialogue 2: No parking!
Andrea and Bernard are in town to run a few errands. The only problem is that they
can't find a place to park. They've been driving around looking for parking on the
street, but finally they give up and decide to park in a lot. Andrea decides to ask the
parking attendant for directions.

Andrea: You can't park here! You'll get a ticket!

Bernard: I've had it! Parking in this city is no picnic. Let's look for a parking lot.
Andrea: There's one right over there, and it's only two dollars an hour.
Attendant: Hi. Here's your ticket. Back up in that space next to the blue Honda. Just
leave the keys in the car, but remember that we're not responsible for any valuables
left in your car.
Andrea: In that case, I'll take my bag with me. By the way, could you tell us how to
get to the town hall?
Attendant: No problem. Walk two blocks east on Barrow Street, then make a right.
You'll see a gas station on your left. Pass the gas station and make another left down
Thompson Street. The town hall will be right in front of you.
Andrea: So, I take a left after the gas station, onto what street?
Attendant: Thompson Street.
Andrea: Thompson. Thanks.
Attendant: Anytime.
Listen to the dialogue a second time, and repeat in the pauses provided.
Words in action
Let's go back and review some of the vocabulary that you heard in the dialogues.
Remember that you can hear the words and expressions in bold on your recordings
to practice your pronunciation. But first, read through all of the vocabulary and
practice aloud.

high way (freeway)

A highway (freeway) is a main road with many lanes.
The book is about a family's troubles during the Civil War.
You'll be in the car for about two hours.

get off
We'll be getting off the highway in about five minutes. Then we can stop at a gas
We'll be getting off the train in two stops.

To get on or off a highway, you have to take a ramp.
There's a wheelchair ramp that leads to the front door of the library.

Traffic is very bad at 5:30; everyone is leaving work and trying to get home.
rush hour
It's rush hour at 5:30! Everyone is on the roads.
traffic light
When the traffic light turns green, you can go.
The weather was very bad, and two cars had an accident. Was
anyone hurt in the accident?

Speeding is illegal! You shouldn't drive faster than the speed limit.
He was speeding, going 8o miles per hour in a 6o mile per hour zone.

At which exit should we get off the highway?
Route 8o is a big interstate highway; it's a highway that goes through many states.

You have to watch for traffic if you cross an intersection.
side road
After the snow storm they plowed all of the main roads, but the side roads were still
You can't count on him! He's not responsible.
Mrr and Mrs. Cranford are looking for a responsible babysitter for their children.
The parking lot is not responsible if something is stolen from your carr
back road
They live on a back road- it's far away from the center of town, in the middle of
a forest.
In a crosswalk, pedestrians have the right of way.
You should lock your passport and any other valuables in the hotel safe. Don't
leave valuables unattended, or they'll be stolen.
stop sign
You always have to stop at a stop sign.
You'll get a ticket if you park in a no-parking zone.
Don't lose your ticket. Without it, you won't get your car back.

When you give directions, you should use landmarks, such as gas stations,
schools, or churches.
Now turn on the recording and listen to the vocabulary in bold. Repeat each
word or expression, and the example sentence, in the pauses provided

Unit 3. Apartment Hunting

Dialogue: We’ll take it!

Steve and Patricia are interested in moving into a new apartment. Mr. Berger, a
landlord, is showing them one of his apartments available to rent. Let's listen as he
takes them through the apartment and answers their questions. First, listen to the
dialogue at normal conversational speed.

Mr. Berger: Come on in, let me show you around. Here's the living room.
Patricia: Great! The view from this window is wonderful. Mr. Berger: This
is the kitchen.
Steve: It looks new.
Mr. Berger: Yes, we renovated just last year and replaced all the appliances.
Patricia: Just look at all the closet space in the master bedroom!
Steve: Well, I'm sure you can fill those closets in no time.
Patricia: Oh, come on, give me a break. I don't have that much stuff.
Mr. Berger: And here's the bathroom.
Steve: What did you say the rent was?
Mr. Berger: Thirteen hundred dollars a month.
Patricia: Does that include utilities?
Mr. Berger: It includes heat, gas, and hot water. Electricity and telephone are extra.
Patricia: When will the apartment be available? Mr. Berger: On
the first of the month.
Steve: We like it a lot, but we'll have to think about it. Can we call you tomorrow?
Mr. Berger: Sure.


Steve: Hello, Mr. Berger, this is Steve Heller. I'm calling about the apartment we
looked at yesterday. We'd like to take it if it's still available.
Mr. Be rge r: Great!
Steve: So, what's the next step?
Mr. Berger: 1'll draw up a lease and send it to you. What I'll need
from you is one month's rent as security deposit, and
the first month's rent in advance.
Steve: I'll get the deposit back, won't I?
Mr. Berger: Of course, as long as the place is not damaged beyond
the usual wear and tear when you move out.
Steve: Great! Can I send you a check?
Mr. Berger: Sure, a check will be fine. Just send it along with the
lease after you've signed it.
Steve: Thanks!

Words in action

Let's see some vocabulary in action. Remember that you can hear the words and
expressions in bold on your recordings, but first read through all of the vocabulary
and practice aloud.

Did you see any ads for two-bedroom apartments in the paper?
classifieds. I saw the ad in the classifieds.


Is the apartment still available, or has someone else taken it?

When we bought the apartment, it was in terrible condition. But we recently
renovated it, so now everything is new.

The landlord owns the apartment.

The tenant rents the apartment. appliance
The appliances are all new; we just bought a stove, refrigerator and dishwasherr


Jason is a master chess player No one can beat him. These

are the master controls; they control everything. If you
practice enough, you can master any language.

storage space
Is there storage space in the building where I can keep my bike?

laundry room
You can wash your clothes in the laundry room in the basement.

You should read the lease carefully before you sign it.

You have to leave a deposit if you want to rent a bike.
Please deposit a quarter to continue this game.

in advance

Professor Jackman's exams are always easy because she gives us the questions it

the usual wear and tear

A few stains on the carpet? That's the usual wear and tear.

Now turn on the recordings and listen to the vocabulary in bold. Repeat each word
or expression, and the example sentence, in the pauses provided.

Unit 4. Getting things fixed.

Dialogue : A few problems

Mario has just moved into a new apartment, and he's found some things that need
to be fixed. Let's listen in as he calls Mr. Watson, his landlord, to tell him about these
Mario: Mr. Watson, this is Mario, your tenant in 6B.
Mr.Watson: Hi. What's up?
Mario: There are a few problems with the apartment. First, the faucet in the bath tub
drips constantly.
Mr. Watson: I'll ask my plumber to come by and fix it tomorrow. Mario: Also,
one of the burners on the stove doesn't work.
Mr. Watson: What's the matter with it?
Mario: I can't control the temperature. I think you'll have to get an electrician.
Mr. Watson: I'll see what I can do. Is that everything?
Mario: Well, there's one more thing. I can't get a dial tone on the phone; it's dead.
Mr. Watson: I'm sorry, there's nothing 1 can do about that. You'll have to call the
phone company.

Now it's time to listen to the dialogue again and repeat after the native speakers
in the pauses provided.

Words in action
Let's review some vocabulary that will come in handy if you ever need to have anything
repaired. First, read through the entire list aloud and practice.

What's up?
-Hi, John, what's up? -Not much. What's up with you?
Cindy seems to have a problem. Do you know what's up with her?

Turn on the faucet and see if there's any hot water

The lock on the front door is broken; the key won't turn.

come by
Come by tomorrow around 3:00. Mrs. along came by my office yesterday and
gave me this report.

The radiators are too hot; I can't control the heat.

There are four burners on the stove, but only three work.

We can't control the weather, but we hope it will be sunny. Could
you please control your children? They're disturbing us.

if something is wrong with your stove, call an electrician.

I don't think the thermostat works. It's set at 68 degrees, but it's freezing in here!

A plumber can fix your toilet.

The drain is at the bottom of the sink.
Turn off the faucet in the bathtub and let the water drain out.

There's a leak in the roof every time it rains, water comes in through the ceiling. The
faucet is leaking water all day.

The water won't drain from the sink. There must be a clog.

The kids broke the window- it's cracked.

water heater
There was no hot water again when 1 took a shower l think we need a new water

You lost your keys and can't get into your apartment? Call a locksmith!

Now turn on the recordings and listen to the vocabulary in bold. Repeat each word or
expression, and the example sentence, in the pauses provided.

Unit 5. All about food

Dialogue 1: What's for dinner tonight?

Richard would like to cook dinner for himself and Sveta, so he asks he
what she would like to eat. Let's listen as they share their suggestions and make a
shopping list.

Richard: I was thinking of cooking dinner tonight. Any ideas?

Sveta: What about roast chicken? Or beef stew?
Richard: I could go for roast chicken.
Sveta: All right. Do we need to get anything?
Richard: I'm making a shopping list right now. What kind of vegetables would you
Sveta: How about cabbage and potatoes?
Richard: Sounds good. In that case, let's get a whole chicken,
some cabbage, and a bag of potatoes.
Sveta: And what about dessert?
Richard: Why don't we have hot fudge sundaes?
Sveta: Mmm-sounds delicious.
Richard: I don't have much cash left. I’ll have to stop by the bank before I go to the
supermarket. It might take me a while.
Sveta: Take your time.

Now listen to the dialogue again. This time, repeat after the
native speakers in the pauses provided.

Dialogue 2: What can I get you?

Of course, not everyone likes to cook, and even if you do like to cook,
you don’t always have the time. Let’s listen while Joan orders a quick lunch on her
lunch break.
Salesperson: Next.
Joan: I'd like a ham sandwich, please.
Salesperson: What kind of bread?
Joan: Whole wheat.
Salesperson: Mustard or mayonnaise?
Joan: A little mayonnaise, please.
Salesperson: Lettuce and tomato?
Joan: Yes, please.
Salesperson: And how about some cheese?
Joan: 1'll take some Swiss, please.
Salesperson: That's ham on whole wheat with Swiss, lettuce and tomato, and a
little mayonnaise?
Joan: That’s right.
Words in action

I have a great idea for a gift for Mom. Do you want to hear what it is?
I have no idea what 34,784,887 divided by 13, 576 is.

shopping list
Don’t forget to put juice on your shopping list.
-Which aisle are cereals in?-Aisle five.

half a pound of roast beef

If I get half a pound of roast beef, I should be able to make sandwiches for
all of us.

a loaf of white bread

A loaf of white bread should last three or four days.

a stick of butter
The recipe calls for an entire stick of butter.

a bowl of chicken soup

I’m not all that hungry; a bowl of chicken soup will do.

a can of beans
A can of beans is not expensive

a box of cereal
A box of cereal shouldn't cost more than three dollars!

a bottle of Coke
I'm thirsty; can you get me a bottle of Coke?

Milk, yogurt, and cheese are all dairy products.

a carton of orange juice

The kids can drink a whole carton of orange juice in a day!

a dozen
A carton holds a dozen eggs.
Fresh olives come in a small plastic container

Unit 6. A Job interview

Dialogue: I’m impressed with your resume

Maria Ramon is interviewing John Saunders for a position as head broker for a
small financial company. Let's listen in.

Maria Ramon: Please have a seat, Mr. Saunders. I received your resume a few weeks
ago, and I must say I'm very impressed.
John Saunders: Thank you.
Maria Ramon: We're a small financial company, trading mostly stocks and bonds.
May 1 ask why you're interested in working for us?
John Saunders: Your company has an impressive reputation. And I've always
wanted to work for a smaller company.
Maria Ramon: That's good to hear! Would you mind telling me a little bit about your
present job?
John Saunders: I'm a head broker in a large international company. I deal with clients
on a daily basis, handling all aspects of their accounts personally.
Maria Ramon: Why do you think you are the right candidate for this position?
John Saunders: I have a lot of experience in the stock market. And I enjoy working
with people. As a matter of fact, in my current job I'm in charge of a team of eight
Maria Ramon: Well, you might just be the person we've been looking for. Do you
have any questions?
John Saunders: Yes. If 1 were hired, how many accounts would I be handling?
Maria Ramon: You'd be working with two other head brokers. In other
words, you'd be handling about a third of our clients.
John Saunders: And whom would 1 report to?
Maria Ramon: Directly to me.
John Saunders: I see. What kind of benefit package do you offer?
Maria Ramon: Two weeks of paid vacation in your first year of employment.
I believe you're also eligible for medical and dental insurance. But this is something
you should discuss with our personnel department. Do you have any other questions?
John Saunders: No, not at the moment.
Maria Ramon: Well, l'll have to discuss your application with my colleagues, and
we'll get back to you early next week.
John Saunders: OK, thanks. It was very nice to meet you.
Maria Ramon: It was nice meeting you, too, and thanks for coming in

Now listen to the dialogue again and repeat in the pauses

Words in action

if you’re interested in this position, send in your application .

A resume lists your education and job experience.

John wants to work for a company that trades stocks and bonds. Melissa
traded her candy bar for Cindy’s cookie.
Auto repair is an important trade; cars always need to be repaired.

cover letter
Your application should include a cover letter and a resume.

Omar has a lot of experience; his resume is impressive.
The team worked very hard on the report, and the director found it

Only the most qualified candidates will be invited for an interview.

Cynthia handles all of the accounts in the region.
The job was too hard for Keith to handle; he quit after three weeks.
The problem was much too difficult for her to get a handle on-she needed
help understanding it.

communication skills
I have excellent written and verbal communication skills.
There are usually only two candidates for President of the United States.
There were many qualified candidates for the position.

My responsibilities include developing a client base.

Suzanne has worked in banking for twenty-threeyears; she has a lot of experience.
Hector's trip to India was an amazing experience.

report to
Mrs. Richardson is my boss-I report to her
Our benefits include medical and dental insurance.

Because Fatima is older than 65, she's eligible for a special discount.

Unit 7. At the post office

Dialogue: One more thing…

Let's listen as Mary Higgins checks off a number of things
on list at the post office.
Mary Higgins: Good morning. I'd like ten airmail stamps.
Mail Clerk: That's 50 cents a stamp. Anything else?
Mary Higgins: Yes, this letter needs to go by registered mail.
Mail Clerk: Where's it going?
Mary Higgins: To the New York State Department of Taxation
Mail Clerk: You'll want to make sure that gets there on time! Fill out this form
and sign at the bottom.
Mary Higgins: Here you go.
Mail Clerk: OK, that's 29 cents for the stamp, and $2.00 to send by registered mail.
Is that it?
Mary Higgins: Not quite. The next thing on my list is a money order.
Mail Clerk: Let me fill out the order form. Who is the addressee?
Mary Higgins: English Language Textbooks.
Mail Clerk: And the address?
Mary Higgins: 125 Chambers Street, Santa Monica, California, 9040. Mail

Clerk: And the amount of the money order?
Mary Higgins: $5.75
Mail Clerk: We charge $1.50 per money order, so that'll be $17.25 total. Anything else
on that list of yours?
Mary Higgins: One more thing. This letter is urgent.
Mail Clerk: If you send it express mail, it'll be $9.75 for the first twelve ounces.
Mary Higgins: Fine. It's only a letter; it doesn't weigh much.
Mail Clerk: Fill out the form, and envelope and put the letter inside this
express mail envelope.
Mary Higgins: Thanks That's all.
Mail Clerk: Now, here's the bad news: your total is $34.29!

Now listen to the dialogue a second time and repeat after the native speakers
in the pauses provided.
Words in action

Frank works as a clerk in a supermarket.
If you have any questions about the hotel, see the desk clerk.

airmail stamps
You need airmail stamps to send letters overseas.

this package needs to get to San Francisco tomorrow, so I'll send it by overnight
needs it by tomorrow, you d better overnight it.

registered mail
When you send a letter via registered mail, the addressee must sign for it.

I ordered a book on the Internet, but it takes three days for them to ship it to me

How much does the shipping cost?

money order
They don't take checks, cash, or credit cards; they only accept money rs.

It’s urgent; it must be there by 7o:oo A.M. tomorrow.

express mail
Express mail is the fastest way to send a letter.
if you want to send me a message, e-mail it. Letters take too long. E-mail me

snail mail
Since regular mail is much slower than e-mail, some people call it "snail mail."

Unit 8. At the Drug store

Dialogue: I haven't seen you in ages!

June is in the drugstore to have the pharmacist fill a prescription for her. She
also needs to pick up a few other items. She's surprised by her friend
Barbara, who she hasn't seen in a long time. Let's listen in as they cha; and then
as June speaks to the pharmacist.

Ba rba ra: Hi, June. I haven't seen you in ages.

June: Barbara, hi, how's it going? I have to pick up some cough medicine for my
Barbara: How about this one here? It'll help him sleep.
June: Let me see. $12.29?! What a rip-off!
Barbara: This one is cherry flavored and won't cause drowsiness
June: I'll take that. And I need to get some aspirin, too.
Barbara: I have to get this prescription for my son. He has a cold as well.
June: I'm sorry to hear that. Would you like to get some coffee afterwards and
catch up on things?
Barbara: I'd love to, but I promised my son I'd be home right away.
June: Well, maybe some other time. I'Il give you a call.
Barbara: Yes, please do. Bye, and give my best to your husband.
June: I will. Catch you later!
Barbara: Excuse me, sir, I have a prescription to fill.
Pharmacist: Would you prefer tablets or liquid form?
Barbara: Tablets, please.
Pharmacist: Here you go. Take them three times a day right after meals.
Barbara: Thanks a lot.
Pharmacist: And remember, there's a refill on this prescription.
Now listen to the dialogue again and repeat after the native speakers in the
pauses provided.

Words in action

At what age can people vote in the U.S.?
The Earth was very different during the age of dinosaurs. I haven't been
to the beach in ages!

pick up
Could you pick me up at the train station at 8: oo?
She went to the store to pick up some orange juice.
The doctor gave me a prescription for some strong medicine.

You can buy over-the-counter medicine, such as aspirin, without a prescription.

My nose is so stuffy I can hardly breathe! I need a strong decongestant.

cough syrup
You've got a really bad cough! Take some cough syrup!

I've finished all these pills; I have to get a refill.

Where's the makeup counter?

if your hands are dry, put some lotion on them.

Since some medicines cause drowsiness, it's best not to drive while taking them.

If you take a non-drowsy medicine before going to bed, it'll cause sleeplessness.

Medicines used to taste bad, but now they come in many different flavors such as
mint, cherry, and chocolate.


If you don’t have enough vitamin A in your diet , you should take a supplement.
You can supplement your high-fiber diet with these fiber pills. cold

I cough and sneeze all the time, l think I'm catching a cold.

I have a fever and bad congestion, my body aches, and I'm tired all the time. I
must have the flu.

The brand-name product is too expensive! Get the generic; it's got the same

Now turn on the recordings and listen to the vocabulary in bold. Repeat each
word or expression, and the example sentence, in the pauses

Unit 9. In a Department store

Dialogue: Can I help you?

Melissa needs to buy some clothing to wear to a formal party. Let's listen in as she
Salesperson: Can I help you?
Melissa: Yes, I'm looking for something to wear to a formal party.
Salesperson: What size do you wear, ma'am?
Melissa: Medium. An eight or a ten.
Salesperson: Let me show you what we have. This dress is very beautiful. It's the latest
fashion from Paris. And here's a plaid jacket that matches.
Melissa: Plaid? No way! What about this skirt here?
Salesperson: Good choice. It's made of pure silk. This silk blouse would go with it very
Melissa: Let me try it on. Where's the dressing room?
Salesperson: Right over here.
Melissa: Thanks.

Salesperson: Ah, you look wonderful.
Melissa: Really? Isn't the skirt a bit too long?
Salesperson: We could always make it shorter.
Melissa: That's true. How much is it?
Salesperson: The skirt is $125. And the blouse is on sale for only $69.
Melissa: Okay, I'll take it!

Now listen to the dialogue again and repeat after the native speakers in the pauses

Dialogue2: I’d like to return these pants

Now let's listen as Richard tries to return a pair of pants. Unfortunately, he bought them
on sale and isn't able to return them. Still, he tries to get the customer service representative
to take them back. Let's see if he's successful.

Richard: I bought these pants here the other day, but they're too big. I'd like to return
Service: Do you have your receipt with you?
Richard: Sure, here you go.
Service: Sir, these pants were on sale. We don't take returns on sale items.
Richard: How about a store credit? Customer
Service: I'm afraid there are no returns at all on sale merchandise. I'm sorry, there is
nothing we can do.

Listen to the dialogue a second time, and repeat in the pauses provided.

Words in action

The party is formal, so you should dress up. Don't wear jeans.

Don goes out with his friends on the weekends, he wears more casual like jeans and

people care about wearing the latest fashion.

people think of Scotland when they think of plaid.

I don't like patterns; all of my clothes are solid colors

The little girl is wearing a dress with a floral print-there are little red and
yellow flowers on it.
What fabric is the shirt made off ? Is it cotton?
You can't wear those shoes with those pants! They don't match at all!
dressing room (also fitting room)
You are only allowed four items in the dressing room at a time.

Clothes are hung on racks in clothing stores.
These pants are too small; l hope I can return them.
Always keep the receipts of everything you buy.
Bring the clothes to the cashier when you want to pay for them.
final sale
This skirt was a final sale; you can't return it.
Merchandise is everything that is for sale in a store.

Unit 10. A party

Dialogue: Very nice to meet you

Let's listen in as three people talk at a party. Listen closely for some of the polite
expressions and topics of conversation that you'd want to use in this kind of social

Steven Schwartz: Mr. Winter, I'd like you to meet my wife, Maggie.
Tom Winter: Very nice to meet you. This is a wonderful party.
Schwartz: Nice to meet you. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.
Steven Schwartz: Would you like something to drink?
Tom Winter: Yes, I’ll have a glass of white wine. Thank you.
Schwartz: There are some hors d’oeuvres over here. Please, try some.
Tom Winter: Mmm. They’re delicious. What recipe did you use?
Schwartz: Well, it's a secret! Too bad your wife couldn't join us tonight. I understand she
had to leave town on business?
Tom Winter: Yes, unfortunately.
Schwartz: So that leaves only you to take care of your son?
Tom Winter: We used to have a baby sitter, but now he's old enough to stay home
Schwartz: How old is he?
Tom Winter: Fourteen.
Steven Schwartz: Where does he go to school?
Tom Winter: He's at Hugh High School in Fairfield.
Schwartz What a coincidence. Our youngest goes to school there as well. She'll
graduate this spring. Maybe they know each other!
Tom Winter: I doubt it. My son's only in 8th grade. Does your daughter already
know what she wants to do after graduation?
Steven Schwartz: She's thinking about going to Boston University
Tom Winter: Oh, Boston is such a wonderful city for young people. As a matter of
fact, I went there just last weekend.
Schwartz: So did we.
Tom Winter: You're kidding. What did you do there?
Schwartz: We’ve just stopped for dinner on our way back from a skiing trip.
Tom Winter: How nice! I used to go skiing all the time, but now I just don't seem to
find the time. Where did you say you went?
Steven Schwartz: To a small, cozy place in Vermont. You should join us some time.
Tom Winter: I’d love it.
Schwartz: So tell us, how do you like life in New York?
Tom Winter: It's quite an adjustment. My wife and son are adapting quite well,
Schwartz: And what about you?
Tom Winter: Between you and me, I just can’t get used to city life.

Now listen to the dialogue again. This time, repeat after the native speakers in the
pauses provided.

Words in action

to enjoy oneself
Are you enjoying yourselves?
We really enjoyed ourselves last night at the party.

No one at the party knew him-he was a complete stranger.
No, I don't know her She's a stranger to me.

small talk
Henry hates making small talk about movies or the weather with strangers at

Would you like red or white wine?

hors d’oeuvres
It's not a sit-down dinner party, but there will be hors d’oeuvres to eat if you're

Let's take a walk and chat; I don't want to sit here and talk about anything

You have to give me your recipe for these cookies.

I know Olga, but she's not a close friend. She's really more of an acquaintance.

My son is finishing college this spring; his graduation will be in May.

Our room was warm and quiet with a great fireplace-it was so cozy !

mutual friend
Joe and Gary both know Peter-he's a mutual friend of theirs.

I can't believe you grew up in Vermont as well; what a coincidence.

Moving to another country is a big adjustment; everything is dfferent.

to adjust
Nell comes from Arizona, so it's hard for her to adjust to the weather in Boston.

get to know
We should go out to dinner and get to know each other
We've just started to get to know the area since we moved here two weeks ago.

It's hard for me to get used to the city, but my wife is adapting well.

One of my father's favorite pastimes is gardening.

interested in
The Conellys are very interested in sailing.

Cooking isn't my profession; it's really more of a hobby.

Are you a baseball fan? -Yes! I really enjoy baseball.

Now turn on the recordings and listen to the vocabulary in bold. Repeat each
word or expression, and the example sentence, in the pauses provided.

Unit 11. A business meeting.

Dialogue: Let’s go over that proposal

Let's listen as Bill Tapscott and Gary Mann discuss a proposal for new
business strategies. Listen closely for a lot of the vocabulary you've already
Bill Tapscott: Hello, Gary. How are you?
Gary Mann: Fine! And yourself.
Bill Tapscott: Can't complain. Did you have time to look at my proposal?
Gary Mann: No, not really. Can we go over it now?
Bill Ta pscott: Sure. I've been trying to come up with some new production and
advertising strategies. First of all, if we want to stay competitive, we need to
modernize our factory. New equipment is long overdue.
Gary Mann: How much will that cost?
B i I I Ta pscott: We have several options ranging from one hundred thousand
dollars all the way up to half a million.
Gary Mann: OK. We'll have to discuss these costs with finance.
Bill Tapscott: We should also consider human resources. I've been talking to
personnel as well as our staff at the factories.
Gary Mann: And what's the picture?
Bill Tapscott: We'll probably have to hire one or two engineers to
help us modernize the factory.
Gary Mann: What about advertising?
Bi I I Tapscott: Marketing has some interesting ideas for television
Gary Mann: TV-isn't that a bit too expensive for us? What's wrong with
advertising in the papers, as usual?
B i I I Ta pscott: Quite frankly, it's just not enough anymore. We need to be more
aggressive in order to keep ahead of our competitors.
Gary Mann: Will we be able to afford all this?
Bill Tapscott: 1'll look into it, but I think higher costs will be justified. These
investments will result in higher profits for our company.
Gary Mann: We'll have to look at these figures more closely. Have finance draw
up a budget for these investments.
Bill Tapscott: Will do.

Now listen to the dialogue again. This time, repeat after the native
speakers in the pauses provided.

Words in action

Let's see some vocabulary in action. Remember that you can hear the words and
expressions in bold on your recordings, but first read through all of the vocabulary
and practice aloud.

Did you see any ads for two-bedroom apartments in the paper?

I saw the ad in the classifieds.


Is the apartment still available, or has someone else taken it?

When we bought the apartment, it was in terrible condition. But we recently
renovated it, so now everything is new.

The landlord owns the apartment.

The tenant rents the apartment.

The appliances are all new; we just bought a stove, refrigerator and dish washer


Jason is a master chess player No one can beat him. These are the master
controls; they control everything. If you practice enough, you can master any

storage space
Is there storage space in the building where I can keep my bike?
laundry room
You can wash your clothes in the laundry room in the basement.

You should read the lease carefully before you sign it.

You have to leave a deposit if you want to rent a bike. Please deposit a
quarter to continue this game.


Because the landlord renovated the apartment, he felt that a higher rent justified.

Раздел 3. Требования к реферату по курсу (10 ч)

По данному курсу аспирант (соискатель) пишет обзорный

тематический реферат на русском языке объемом 0,5 печ.л. (12 страниц
печатного текста; шрифт 14 кегль, пробел 1,2) по выбранной тематике или
письменный перевод 15 000 печатных знаков из предлагаемой ниже
литературы. Реферат включает: введение, в котором аспирант (соискатель)
обосновывает актуальность выбранной им темы и литературы, ставит цели и
задачи по ее реализации, основную часть (реферирование основного
содержания монографии или статей), заключение (основные выводы и
целесообразность прочтения такого рода литературы для повышения
коммуникативной и языковой компетенции), словарь спецтерминов (от 50 до
200) (например, nursery – означает детские дошкольные учреждения, а в
биологическом контексте - питомник), список литературы (авторы, название,
страна издания, издательство, год издания).
Рефераты или перевод должен быть представлен за неделю до
окончания курса.

Образец оформления реферата. Титульный лист.







Подготовил аспирант кафедры



Темы рефератов
1. Мультинациональное пространство Великобритании.
2. Стереотипы и английский культурный геном.
3. Разговор о погоде-семейная традиция англичан.
4. Гендерные и классовые различия в правилах общения англичан.
5. Ирония, недосказанность, самоуничижение –правила английского юмора и
классовые различия.
6. Разговор по мобильному-маркер границ собственной территории.
7. Правила кодирования беседы в английском пабе.
8. Тенденция территориальной маркировки англичан.
9. Классовые различия в домашних беседах англичан.
10. Английская кухня и еда: классовые различия.
11. Взаимоотношения полов.

4. Реализация графика самостоятельной работы

включает следующие этапы изучения самостоятельного материала:

Формы Зач.ед. Кол-во Срок выполн. Срок сдачи


1.Самостоятельное 0, 33 12 12н, 16н. (1 сем.) 14н. (1сем.)

изучение материала

2. Задания по спецкурсу 0, 16 6 8н (1сем.), 12н.(2сем.)

4,6н. (2сем.)

3. Реферат по спецкурсу 0,27 10 7-11н. (2сем.) 11н. (2сем.)

5. Трудоемкость модулей и видов учебной работы по самостоятельной работе для аспирантов и соискателей
«Повышение коммуникативной компетенции аспирантов и соискателей»
(Управление аспирантуры и докторантуры, кафедра иностранных языков №1)

№ Название модулей дисциплины Текущая работа (50 %),

п/п Конкретные виды текущей работы определяются преподавателем, ведущим занятия по данной
дисциплине и утверждаются на заседании кафедры.
Виды текущей работы
Всего Самостоя- Подготовка и
тельная работа сдача рефератов
(ТО) Задания по спецкурсу

1 2 3 4 5 6
Всего зачетных единиц 9,8%

Модуль № 1 0,14% 0,7% 0,7%

Модуль № 2 3,76% 2,8% 0,96%
Модуль № 3
Модуль № 4

Модуль № 5 4,2% 3,5 % 0,7 %

Модуль № 6 1,7% 1,7 %

Модуль № 7

6. Литература и информационные источники:

1.Aslet, Clive: Anyone for England? А Search for British Identity, London,
Little, Brown, 1997
2. Bennett, Alan: The Old Country, London, Faber and Faber, 1978
3. Bryson, Bill: Notes from а Small Island, London, Doubleday, 1995
4. Brown, P and Levinson, S.C.: Politeness: Some Universals in Language
Usage, Cambridge University Press, 2002.
5. Collett, P and Furnham, А (eds): Social Psychology at Work, London,
Routledge, 1995.
6. Соllуег, Peter: Rain Later, Good, Bradford on Avon, Thomas Reed, 2002
7. Cooper, Jilly: Class: А View from Middle England, London, Methuen,
8. Daudy, Philippe: Les Anglais: Portrait of а People, London, Headline,
9. Dunbar, Robin: Grooming, Gossip and the Evolution of Language,
London, Faber , 1996.
10. Fox, Kate: Passport to the Рub: The Tourists Guide to Рub Etiquette,
London, 1996.
11. Fox, Kate: The Racing Tribe: Watching the Horsewatchers, London,
Metro, 1999
12. Hodkinson, Paul: Goth: Identity, Style and Subculture, Oxford, Berg,
13. Jacobs, Eric and Worcester, Robert: We British, London, Weidenfeld
and Nicholson, 1990.
14. Marsh, Peter et al: The Rules of Disorder, London, Routledge, 1978.
15. Mikes, George: How tо bе а Brit, London, Penguin, 1984
16 Miller, Daniel: А Theory of Shopping, Polity Press, Blackwell,
Cambridge, 1998.
17. Miller, Geoffrey: The Mating Mind, London, Heinemann, 2000.
18. Paxman, Jeremy: The English: А Portrait of а People, London, Michael
Joseph, 1998 Pevsner.
19. Priestley, J. В.: English Humour, London, William Heinemann, 1976
20. Quest-Ritson, Charles: The English Garden: А Social History, London,
Penguin, 2000.
21. Richardson, Paul: Cornucopia: А Gastronomic Tour of Britain, London,
Abacus, 2001.
22. Storry, Mike and Childs, Peter (eds): British Cultural Identities, London,
Routledge, 1997.
23. Scruton, Roger: England: An Elegy, London, Chatto and Windus, 2000.

7. Методика проведения промежуточной аттестации по дисциплине

По окончании курса «Повышение коммуникативной компетенции»
аспиранты (соискатели) выполняют квалификационную работу:
написание реферата по следующим темам:

1. Мультинациональное пространство Великобритании.

2. Стереотипы и английский культурный геном.
3. Разговор о погоде-семейная традиция англичан.
4. Гендерные и классовые различия в правилах общения англичан.
5. Ирония, недосказанность, самоуничижение –правила английского юмора и
классовые различия.
6. Разговор по мобильному-маркер границ собственной территории.
7. Правила кодирования беседы в английском пабе.
8. Тенденция территориальной маркировки англичан.
9. Классовые различия в домашних беседах англичан.
10. Английская кухня и еда: классовые различия.
11. Взаимоотношения полов.


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