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Домашнее задание

Task 2: While listening to the radio report on the effects of homework find and put down the
English equivalents for the following Russian phrases.

1. мучительные вопросы agonizing questions

2. деревянная копия корабля «Мэйфлауэ» wooden replica of Mayflower
3. проект для научной ярмарки студентов student science fair project
4. перестараться, переборщить (с) to go over the top
5. практическая помощь hands-on help
6. быть чуждым, незнакомым (ч.л., к.л.) to be alien to something/someone
7. вечерний ритуал nightly ritual
8. (сильно устать=) заснуть от изнеможения в conk at the chair
9. интенсивно читать материал серьёзного solid intense reading
10. смятенный, расстроенный (из-за ч.л.) frustrated, distraught
11. выспаться за ночь to get a full night sleep
12. объём домашнего задания варьируется the amount of homework
(колеблется) (Compare! to swing, to oscillate) fluctuates/varies
13. запрещать домашнее задание как вид детского to outlaw homework as a form of
труда child labor
14. задавать намного больше, чем можно сделать за to give way over that 10 minutes per
10 минут в день day
15. сторонники (приверженцы) домашнего задания homework advocates
16. усовершенствовать учебные навыки to refine study skills
17. молодая особа, юноша, девушка (Compare! youngster
oldster, punster, rhymester, gangster, songster,
maltster - солодовник, spinster, baxter - пекарь,
teamster – погонщик, возница, водитель
грузовика, tapster – буфетчик, бармен)
18. задавать домашнее задание to assign homework
19. стандартизированные тесты на срез знаний standardized achievement tests
20. ответственные задания, требующие много сил и demanding assignments
21. влияние домашнего задания на жизнь семьи impact of homework on family life
22. вне себя от ярости to be hopping mad
23. урезать, сокращать (слова, проводимое вместе to reduce, to cut down
24. быть ответственным (за процесс обучения) to be accountable (for the study
25. не рассчитывать на ч.л. to not count on
26. не ложиться спать допоздна to stay up late
27. школа с жесткими требованиями a school with rigorous requirements
28. загрузить и разгрузить посудомоечную машину to load and unload a dishwasher
29. выбросить мусор to take garbage out
30. ярый противник домашних заданий fervent anti-homework activist
31. составить распорядок дня (также: совещания) to set (educational) agenda
32. обязательно присутствующая, неотъемлемая an inherent unfairness
33. иметь доступ к жидкому азоту to have access to liquid nitrogen
34. публичное представление (товаров, a (public) demonstration (of goods,
изобретений и т.д.) inventions, etc.)
35. добросовестный и заинтересованный conscientious and
36. предмет недовольства = причина досады subject/source of
37. заменять (одно другим); предотвращать to substitute (one with another); to
38. законы об обязательном посещении школы compulsory school laws
39. школа в центре города (а именно: в inner-state school
перенаселённом районе с высоким уровнем
безработицы и преступности, а также низкими
ценами на землю)
40. родительский комитет parental committee (parent-teacher
association or PTA)

Task 3: While listening to the text, fill in the gaps in the following commentary provided by Ying
Ying Yu (a 13-year-old Chinese student).

I am a good child, (1) obedient. I grew up in China, a country where education is the centre of every
child’s life and a grade less than (2) 85 percent is considered a failure. Grades mean more to us than a
mother’s smile, more than the murmur of a wish (3) ……………….. on birthday candles. (Kindly note Track No.
37 does not have this part at all). I had homework during lunch, math and language classes two times a day.
There were punishments for not paying attention. I was beaten with a ruler, and I learned to do anything to
get a good grade.
I believe in duty, but that belief comes with (4) sacrifice. The achievements I make come with a cost.
I remember first grade, the red scarf flapping (5) tantalizingly in the wind, and wanting more than
anything to be the first one to wear it, that, the symbol of responsibility, excellence and loyalty. The first
thing that (6) flashed to mind when I put it on was how glad my family would be, how proud the motherland
would be of the child it had borne and how my (7) accomplishments would look on a college application.
All my pride, love, (8) self-esteem – they (9) merge into duty. There have been times I wanted to
throw away everything, but duty and obligation were always there to (10) haunt me and to keep me strong. I
would think: “My parents and grandparents brought me up, my country gave me (11) shelter, my teacher
spent so much time building my foundations just to have me throw it all away? No, I can’t do that! I must
repay all that they have done.” “I must, I should, I have to” – all those little phrases govern my life and the
lives of many of my classmates. We struggle on because duty reminds us that the awaiting success is not just
for us. It’s for our families, our (12) heritage and our country.
.I used to want to be a gardener. I liked working outdoors and the (13) gritty feel of dirt was much
more (14) tangible than a bunch of (15) flimsy words strung together. But I can never grow up to be a
gardener. Everything I have done so far points to the direction of becoming a lawyer. That’s a job my family
(16) wholeheartedly supports.
There is no other choice for someone who’s been brought up by such a strict system, someone who
has ambition. Here in America, there is almost a pressure to follow your dreams. I don’t want any more
dreams – dreams are illusions. And it’s too late for me to work toward another future, to let the foundations
I have built (17) go to ruins.
I believe in the power of duty to (18) impel. Only duty will offer me something true, something worthy
of my effort and the support of my family and country. Duty can bring me to an achievement that is greater
than I am.

Read the following background information and the text “Teaching at Home Hits New High with
Internet” in your textbook (North Star (Edition 1), pp 155-156 or 142-144 – see pp 4-5 of this file)
and find the English equivalents for the following Russian phrases.
1. домашнее обучение (2 вар.) home tuition, home schooling, home
2. традиционная школа traditional school/mainstream school
3. быть недовольным качеством обучения to be dissatisfied with the quality of
4. волноваться по поводу влияния со стороны to worry about ‘peer pressure’
5. издеваться над к-л, изводить к-л to bully, to harass
6. спорные вопросы (3 вар.) debatable issues, disputes,
contentious/ controversial
7. неосновная (побочная) модель обучения marginal model of schooling
8. реликт a thing of the past
9. обеспечить подготовленность детей к to ensure children are prepared
университету academically for college
10. оценивать учащихся, обучающихся дома to assess home schoolers
11. быть оторванным от сверстников to be isolated from peers
12. упустить (не получить всего) от ч-л to miss out on something

1. разочарование в системе образования disillusionment with the education

2. спихивать вину на неизменчивость (излишнюю to blame on the rigidity of the
строгость) экзаменационной системы examination system
3. исчезнуть в течение 20 лет to become obsolete within 20 years
4. по закону under the law
5. гарантировать (обеспечивать) образование к-л to safeguard someone’s schooling
6. устать от ограничений существующей системы to be fed up with the constrictions of
образования the existing education system
7. устаревшее понятие an outdated concept
8. сообщать (передавать) знания to impart knowledge
9. быть «задушенным» традиционными методами to be stifled by conventional methods
10. брать на себя новую роль советников to take on a new role as advisers
11. ставить под вопрос to call into question
12. отказаться от участия в ч-л to opt out of something
13. гибкость (подвижность) домашнего обучения flexibility of home learning
14. основать к-л клуб to set up a club
15. видеть во взрослых воспитателей to see adults as disciplinarians
16. признавать к-л факт to concede
17. испытывать трудности (превратности to experience the “rough and tumble”
отношений) со сверстниками of peer associations
18. извлечь пользу из домашнего образования to benefit from home education

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