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Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан

Актюбинский региональный университет имени К.Жубанова

Факультет филологии

Кафедра английского и немецкого языков

директор ЦПВО
_________ Жантурина Н.Н.
« » ____________ 2022 г.

Название и код направления 7М017 – Подготовка педагогов по
подготовки языкам и литературе
Название и шифр образовательной 7М01706 – Иностранный язык: два
программы иностранных языка
Название и код цикла предмета PFTKIYa 5302 Лингвострановедение
(первый иностранный язык)
Форма обучения дневная
Академический кредит 5
Академический час 150
Язык обучения английский
Учебный год / семестр 2021-2022/2
Уровень образования магистратура

Актобе, 2021 г.
Программа дисциплины для магистрантов (SYLLABUS) разработана на
основе учебной программы «___»______ 202_ г.

Преподаватель дисциплины: ___________ Г.А. Кузембаева, к.ф.н., PhD, доцент
кафедры английского и немецкого языков
(подпись ) (ФИО, должность)

Рассмотрена на заседании кафедры

Протокол № , «_____» ______________________ 2022 г.

Заведующая кафедрой ________ Тастанбаева Д.К.

(подпись ) ( ФИО)

Одобрена на заседании методического совета факультета

Протокол № , «_____» ______________________ 2022 г.

Председатель методического совета ________ Жумагалиева Р.Р.

(подпись ) (ФИО)
Преподаватель дисциплины:
Кузембаева Гульжана Айтжановна, к.ф.н., PhD, доцент кафедры английского и немецкого
языков, e-mail: kuzembayeva@mail.ru, ID номер конференции Zoom – 641 617 64346, код –


Дисциплина «Лингвострановедение (первый иностранный язык)» предназначена для
магистрантов специальности 7M01706 - Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка.
Данный предмет является основой формирования будущего специалиста в области
иностранного языкознания, исследователя и преподавателя высшей школы. Магистранты
ознакомятся с языковыми явлениями, наиболее ярко отражающими реалии и национальные
особенности культуры представителей изучаемого языка; культуроведческой информацией
и фоновыми знаниями носителя английского языка, содействующие формированию
лингвострановедческой компетенции, которая, в свою очередь, призвана обеспечить
специфическую коммуникативную компетенцию; а также принципами ведения
лингвострановедческих исследований.

1.2 ПРЕКРЕКВИЗИТЫ ДИСЦИПЛИНЫ: Иностранный язык, Устная и письменная

коммуникация на иностранном языке (Proficiency), Теория речевой деятельности на
иностранном языке.

1.3 ПОСТРЕКВИЗИТЫ ДИСЦИПЛИНЫ: Прикладная лингвистика иностранного языка,

Социальная лингвистика иностранного языка.


Курс Семестр Лекция Практические/ Лабораторные СРМП СРМ Форма

семинар контрол
1 2 15 30 - 25 80 Устно и


№ Название тем Количество часов исполнения по
I Модуль 1. Introduction
1.1 Linguocultural Studies 1 1
1.2 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and 1 2
Northern Ireland
1.3 The United States of America 1 3
Практические (семинарские) занятия
1.1 Linguocultural Studies 2 1
1.2 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and 2 2
Northern Ireland
1.3 The United States of America 2 3
Итого за 1 модуль 9
Виды контроля по 1-му модулю Смешанный контроль
II Модуль 2. Language, Culture and Thought
2.1 The Relationship of Language, Culture 1 4
and Thought
2.2 National Stereotypes in Cross-cultural 1 5
2.3 Cultural Norms and Cultural Values 1 6
2.4 Cultural Identity and Cultural Biases 1 7
2.5 Culture Shock 1 8
Практические (семинарские) занятия
2.1 The Relationship of Language, Culture 2 4
and Thought
2.2 National Stereotypes in Cross-cultural 2 5
2.3 Cultural Norms and Cultural Values 2 6
2.4 Cultural Identity and Cultural Biases 2 7
2.5 Culture Shock 2 8
Итого за 2 модуль 15
Виды контроля по 2-му модулю Смешанный контроль
III Модуль 3. Culture specific material

3.1 Discourse and Culture 1 9
3.2 Culture-specific Words 1 10
3.3 Cultural Metaphors and Cross-cultural 1 11
3.4 Transferring Culturally Marked Words 1 12
Практические (семинарские) занятия
3.1 Discourse and Culture 2 9
3.2 Culture-specific Words 2 10
3.3 Cultural Metaphors and Cross-cultural 2 11
3.4 Transferring Culturally Marked Words 2 12
Итого за 3 модуль 12
Виды контроля по 3-му модулю Смешанный контроль
IV Модуль 4. Linguacultural competence in Intercultural Communication
4.1 Non-verbal Intercultural Communication 1 13
4.2 Linguacultural competence 1 14
4.3 Research in Linguocultural Studies 1 15
Практические (семинарские) занятия
4.1 Non-verbal Intercultural Communication 2 13
4.2 Linguacultural competence 2 14
4.3 Research in Linguocultural Studies 2 15
Итого за 4 модуль 9
Виды контроля по 4-му модулю Смешанный контроль


Комплексное рассмотрение и изучение лингвострановедения как филологической
дисциплины, объектом которой являются языковые единицы, выступающие в качестве
средоточения знаний народа – носителя языка об окружающей действительности, т.е.
национально-социокультурная лексика.
А) знает и понимает реалии стран изучаемого языка, систему фоновых знаний,
включающей национальный характер и мировоззрение народа, национальные особенности
культуры, этические оценки и вкусы, нормы речевого и неречевого поведения;
Б) применяет приемы распознавания национально-культурной семантики, а также
введения, закрепления и активизации специфических для английского языка единиц и
страноведческого прочтения текстов;
В) анализирует языковой материал с целью выявления национально-культурной
Г) обощает теоретические и методологические основы современных исследований в русле
Д) оценивает полученные в ходе анализа результаты.


Уровни Знание и Применение Анализ Синтез Оценивание

таксономии понимание
Результаты знает реалии, самостоятельно собирает и управляет оценивает
обучения национальный применяет анализирует результатами соответствие
характер и приемы языковой исследовани цели и задач
мировоззрение определения материал й, оформляет исследований
народа, культуру, этноспецифики полученные их
нормы речевого и народа, результаты результатам
неречевого актуализации
поведения лингвострановедч
представителей еских языковых
изучаемого языка единиц


Лекция проводится онлайн. Предварительно записанные видеолекции на канале
YouTube кафедры английского и немецкого языков доступны по указанным ссылкам.
Онлайн-лекция проводится на платформе ZOOM методом интерактивного обсуждения с
использованием информационных и образовательных ресурсов.
Практическое занятие проводится офлайн.
Применяемые методы: работа в малых группах, активное обсуждение, презентация,
Технические требования: высокоскоростной Интернет, компьютер / ноутбук или


№ Задание СРМП/СРМ Вид задания Количество Сроки

часов выполнения
(день недели и
время в
соответствии с
дата срок
задания сдачи
Задания СРМП
1 Linguocultural Studies Presenting glossary 2
2 Language as the Most Important Conducting analytical 3
Symbolic Aspect of Culture report on research papers
3 Choosing a Topic for Making literature review 4
Linguacultural Research
4 Planning a Research Writing a plan and 4
abstract of research
5 Selecting Methodology Choosing sample and 4
methods of research
6 Presenting Results Preparing results and 4
discussion part of
7 Concluding Research Writing conclusion on 4
Задания СРМ
1 Cultural Studies Presenting analytical 5
1. Language and Culture report on research
2. The Unwritten Behavior Codes papers;
3. Characteristics of Culture of Choosing a topic for
the UK research
4. The British National Character
5. The British Weather and the
British rules of weather-speak
6. The British Humour
7. Taboos in the British Society
8. The British Etiquette
9. The British Superstitions
10. The British “Sweet Tooth”
11. The British Tea Culture
12. Characteristics of American
13. The American National
14. Music of the United States
15. American Dream
16. Melting Pot or Salad Bowl
17. American Ideals of Freedom
18. Race and Rasism in Americal
19. Free offer
2 Research in Cultural Studies Making literature review 15
3 Understanding and Designing Presenting a plan and 15
Experiments abstract of research
4 Experimental Methods in Presenting Sample and 15
Cultural Studies Methods of research
5 Reporting research results Presenting Results and 15
Discussion part of
6 Communicating research content Presenting papers 15
in Cultural Studies
9.1 Лекции
Lecture 1
Theme: Linguocultural Studies
Hours: 1
Main issues of the topic:
1. Study of a natural language in cultural and social aspects
2. The Language Map of the World
3. The linguacultural approach in teaching a foreign language

Lecture Theses
Linguocultural studies as one of the most actively developing areas of knowledge in recent times.
The study of a natural language in all its various cultural and social aspects. Aim of extracting
social and cultural information from language units. Language Map of the World. Indo-European
family. Science that studies objects and phenomena of a particular culture, concepts. Cultural
background as a world perception which is specific to a particular nation, represented in
mythology, legends, proverbs, sayings and in other forms of folklore in precedent texts. Standards,
stereotypes, symbols, images, speech behavior and speech etiquette as the subject of study of
linguacultural studies. The linguacultural approach in teaching a foreign language. Culturaly
oriented content of language and speech, the study of culture through language.

Control Questions
1. Study of a natural language in cultural and social aspects
2. The Language Map of the World
3. The linguacultural approach in teaching a foreign language

1. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура: Лингвострановедение в
преподавании русского языка как иностранного [Текст] / Е.М. Верещагин, В.Г. Костомаров.
- 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Русский язык, 1990. - 246 с.
2. Маслова В. А. Лингвокультурология: Учебное пособие [Текст] / В. А. Маслова. - М.:
Академия, 2001. - 208 с.

Lecture 2
Theme: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Hours: 1
Main issues of the topic:
1. History of the UK
2. Culture. Symbols

Lecture Theses
The largest of the British Isles, which lie off the northwest coast of continental Europe. Diverse
number of tribes, collectively known as Britons. Celtic tribes. An intellectual class of philosophers,
judges, teachers, doctors, astronomers and astrologers. The Roman invasion. London which had
been a small trading settlement before the conquest as a centre for trade both by road and river.
Celtic and Roman origin of words. The culture of the United Kingdom refers to the patterns of
human activity and symbolism associated with the United Kingdom and its people. Museums,
monuments, castles. English traditions and customs. The Queen. English people. Holidays.
Hobbies. Folklore.

Control Questions
1. History of the UK
2. Culture of the UK
3. British symbols
4. Traditions and customs
5. English folk legends

1. United Kingdom. URL: https://www.everyculture.com/To-Z/United-Kingdom.html
2. Mikhailov, N. N. English Cultural Studies. Лингвострановедение Англии: Учеб. пособие
для студ. филол. фак. и фак. ин. яз. высш. учеб. заведений. / Н. Н. Михайлов. - М.:
Издательский центр и «Академия», 2006. - 208 с. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/188394/

Lecture 3
Theme: The United States of America
Hours: 1
Main issues of the topic:
1. History of the USA
2. Culture. Symbols

Lecture Theses
The first European settlements date from the early sixteenth century and included Spanish towns
in Florida and California, French outposts in Louisiana, and British settlements in New England.
The United States of America was declared in 1776 by colonists from England who wanted
independence from that country and its elite representatives in the colonies. The class, racial,
ethnic, and gender relationships of the contemporary nation have their roots in the colonial period.
Often referred to as a melting pot, the United States is popularly regarded as a nation that
assimilates or absorbs immigrant populations to produce a standard American. This is a powerful
cultural idea. The word "American" conjures up an image of a person of white, middle-class status.
All other residents, including the area's indigenous inhabitants, are "hyphenated" or characterized
by an identifying adjective: African-American, Native American, Asian-American, Mexican-
American. The national Census does not hyphenate Americans of European descent.

Control Questions
1. History of the USA
2. Culture. Symbols

1. The USA. URL: https://www.everyculture.com/To-Z/United-States-of-America.html
2. Campbell, N. American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture. London:
Routledge, 2000. — 303 p. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/799164/

Lecture 4
Theme: The Relationship of Language, Culture and Thought
Hours: 1
Main issues of the topic:
1. Language as the most important symbolic aspect of culture
2. Language and thinking
3. Cultural thought patterns behind the language of communication
4. Language as a collector of culture

Lecture Theses
Language and culture are at the core of all human society. Language is a symbolic system through
which people communicate and through which they transmit culture. It contains the smallest units
of sound that make a difference in meaning. Although language is generally flexible and adaptable,
established terminologies do tend to perpetuate themselves, reflecting and revealing the social
structure and worldview of groups and people. Proverbs and sayings of one language are symbolic
aspects of culture, they demonstrate, shape and determine this or that cultural identity and dictate
the rules and behavior codes for this very nation. Language both reflects and affects a culture's
way of thinking, and changes in a culture influence the development of its language. Stories, fairy
tales, legends, humor, jokes, sayings, proverbs and idioms collect and preserve culture, the wisdom
of nations, their customs and ways of life.

Control Questions
1. Language as the most important symbolic aspect of culture
2. Language and thinking
3. Cultural thought patterns behind the language of communication
4. Language as a collector of culture

1. Lustig, M.W., Jolene Koester. Intercultural Competence, 7th Edition. Pearson Learning
Solutions, 07/2012. VitalBook file.
2. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/

Lecture 5
Theme: National Stereotypes in Cross-cultural Communication
Hours: 1
Main issues of the topic:
1. Definition of stereotype
2. Theories of stereotypes’ development
3. Lexicalized stereotypes
4. Gender profiling
5. Stereotypes through culture perspective
6. Classification of stereotypes

Lecture Theses
The term stereotype. The definition of a stereotype. Stereotype is a fixed general image or set of
characteristics that a lot of people believe represent a particular type of person or thing. Stereotypes
are often confused with prejudices, because, like prejudices, a stereotype is based on a prior
assumption. Prejudice is an unreasonable dislike of a group of people or things, or an unreasonable
preference for one group over another. Race, nationality, gender and sexual orientation are the
main factors of stereotyping. Stereotyping must be avoided at all costs, as it leads to treating groups
as a single entity. The analysis starts from lexicalized stereotypes, for they can be encountered in
all kinds of discourse, and, consequently, learners are more likely to come across them.

Control Questions
1. Definition of stereotype
2. Theories of stereotypes’ development
3. Lexicalized stereotypes
4. Gender profiling
5. Stereotypes through culture perspective
6. Classification of stereotypes

1. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/

2. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:

Lecture 6
Theme: Cultural Norms and Cultural Values
Hours: 1
Main issues of the topic:
1. Values
2. Norms

Lecture Theses
Culture is the collection of customs, attitudes, values, and beliefs that characterizes one group of
people and distinguishes them from other groups. Culture includes the products of a group of
people. Culture is passed from one generation to succeeding generations through immaterial
culture, such as values, norms, language, rituals, and symbols, and material culture, such as
objects, art, and institutions. Values refer to intangible qualities orbeliefs accepted and endorsed
by a given society. Values are distinct from attitudes, traits, norms, and needs. Characteristics and
qualities of values. Examples of modern U.S. values. Ten values shared by 70 cultures spread
throughout the world. Norms refer to conditions for social relations between groups and
individuals, for the structure of society and the difference between societies, and for human
behavior in general. Folkways. Mores. Taboos. Laws.

Control Questions
1. Values
2. Norms

1. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
2. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:

Lecture 7
Theme: Cultural Identity and Cultural Biases
Hours: 1
Main issues of the topic:
1. Characteristics of Cultural Identity
2. Cultural Biases

Lecture Theses
Cultural identity as one’s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group. Learning about
and accepting the traditions, heritage. Cultural identity within a changing social context.
Consequently, your identity is not static, fixed, and enduring; rather, it is dynamic and changes
with your ongoing life experiences. Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs,
values, norms, and social practices that affect the behaviors of a relatively large group of people.
Culture exists in people’s minds, but that the consequences of culture – the shared interpretations
– can be seen in people’s communication behaviors. Shared interpretations (cultural patterns)
provide guidelines about how people should behave, and they indicate what to expect in
interactions with others. A culture’s shared interpretations create predictability and stability in
people’s lives. Cultural similarity allows people to reduce uncertainty and to know what to expect
when interacting with others. Cultural biases are based on normal human tendencies to view
ourselves as members of a particular group and to view others as not belonging to that group.

Control Questions
1. Characteristics of Cultural Identity
2. Cultural Biases

1. Lustig, M.W., Koester, J. Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal communication across
cultures. 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2010. URL:

Lecture 8
Theme: Culture Shock
Hours: 1
Main issues of the topic:
1. Culture Shock
2. Series of reaction to a new culture
3. Adaptability

Lecture Theses
Culture as way of life – the customs and beliefs, art, way of life and social organization of a
particular country or group: European, Islamic, African. Beliefs /attitudes - the beliefs and attitudes
about smth that people in particular group share. Culture shock as a feeling of confusion and
anxiety that smb may feel when they live or visit another country or social group. For the past
thirty years psychologists and anthropologists have been researching culture shock. Reactions and
experiences during the first few months in a new country of travellers and diplomats, business
people and international students. Research has shown that that most of these people have in
common is a series of reactions to the new culture. Culture shock can affect people to different
degrees, but there is a predictable sequence of stages that people.

Control Questions
1. Culture Shock
2. Series of reaction to a new culture
3. Adaptability

1. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
2. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:

Lecture 9
Theme: Discourse and Culture
Hours: 1
Main issues of the topic:
1. Cultural aspects of discourse
2. Approaches to discourse
3. Cultural scripts
4. Discourse styles

Lecture Theses
Latin word “discursus” meaning “run about”. In linguistics, discourse is generally considered to
be the use of written or spoken language in a social context. The language expresses facts, ideas
or events that are communicable because they refer to a stock of knowledge about the world that
other people share. People of different cultures can refer to different things while using the same
language forms. Ethnography of communication. The metalanguage of lexical universals can be
used not only for semantic analysis, but also to formulate cultural rules for speaking, known as
‘cultural scripts’. Such scripts can capture culture-specific attitudes, assumptions and norms in
precise and culture-independent terms.

Control Questions
1. Cultural aspects of discourse
2. Approaches to discourse
3. Cultural scripts
4. Discourse styles

1. Schiffrin, D. Approaches to discourse. Cambridge, MA & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. Pp. 470.
URL: https://pdf.wecabrio.com/approaches-to-discourse-by-deborah-schiffrin.pdf
2. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:

Lecture 10
Theme: Culture-specific Words
Hours: 1
Main issues of the topic:
1. How can culture underlie words
2. Categories of cultural words

Lecture Theses
Sometimes the full meaning of a word or phrase cannot be clear unless you are familiar with the
culture that gave rise to it. The non-universal knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and practices of a
particular group underlying words. The English language has numerous words that are linked to
the culture of its originators. Cultural words tend to fall into categories. One that is considered
elsewhere is politeness: where English culture sees a need for a special polite expression – for
example in questioning other people or talking about debt – other cultures may not. There are
different terms for references specific to a culture in linguistics. They are: “culture-bound
elements” (Nedergaard-Larsen, 1993), “culture-specific items” (Aixela, 1996), “extralinguistic
culture-bound references (ECR)” (Pedersen, 2005;2007) and (Florin, 1993) used “realia”. Realia
give a source-cultural flavour to a text by expressing local and/or historical colour, and so realia
do not have exact equivalents in other languages.

Control Questions
1. How can culture underlie words
2. Categories of cultural words

1. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
2. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:

Lecture 11
Theme: Cultural Metaphors and Cross-cultural Paradoxes
Hours: 1
Main issues of the topic:
1. Cultural Metaphors
2. Cross-cultural Paradoxes

Lecture Theses
Approaches to the study of cross-cultural understanding. Etic or emic. Theorists and researchers
who employ the dimensional or bipolar approach in the cross-cultural area exemplify the etic or
culture-general perspective. Emic perspective looks at each national culture in depth and
simultaneously accepts and attempts to go beyond such broad cultural profiling by exploring the
unique and distinctive features of each culture. This perspective employs the idea of a cultural
metaphor, which is any institution, activity or phenomenon which members of a given culture
consider important and with which they identify cognitively and/or emotionally. Review of the
cross-cultural research literature over the last 50 years reveals that while dimensions still represent
the dominant approach, metaphors have re-emerged as the most popular emic approach. The
paradoxical approach. A statement seems to be untrue due to the vicious circle created by
inconsistent or contradictory elements, when it is in fact true. Paradox represents "both-and"
thinking (rather than "either-or" thinking) involving inconsistent and/or contradictory elements.
Paradoxes are framed as sentences.

Control Questions
1. Cultural Metaphors
2. Cross-cultural Paradoxes

1. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
2. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:

Lecture 12
Theme: Transferring Culturally Marked Words
Hours: 1
Main issues of the topic:
1. English culturally marked words
2. Ways of translating culturally marked words
Lecture Theses
The transfer of cultural elements from one language into another in order to create an equivalent
response from the receivers, as differences between cultures may cause more severe complications
for the translator than differences in language structure. When a word or a word-combination of
the source text is strongly rooted in the source culture, it may be problematic for the audience to
comprehend it. In addition, translators may have to deal not only with lexical expressions, but also
with problems of register, syntactic order, non-standard variants and regional varieties. The field
of contrastive linguistics gives support to the use of translation as inter-language comparison, and
the combination of translation and text-analysis with contrastive linguistics can provide deeper
insights into the language pragmatics. Certain pragmatic features, which, otherwise, might not be
accessible through mere intra-language comparison can appear by means of translation.

Control Questions
1. English culturally marked words
2. Ways of translating culturally marked words

1. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
2. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:

Lecture 13
Theme: Non-verbal Intercultural Communication
Hours: 1
Main issues of the topic:
1. Characteristics of non-verbal code
2. Cultural variations of non-verbal communication
3. Non-verbal functions of intercultural communication

Lecture Theses
Nonverbal codes present the ways that people communicate without words, including all forms of
communication other than linguistic ones. Charecteristics of nonverbal code. Multichanneled -
nonverbal messages can occur in a variety of ways simultaneously. Multifunctional – fulfill several
goals or communicative functions simultaneously. Spontaneously and subconsciously - convey
their meanings in covert ways. Nonverbal code systems are the “silent language” of
communication. They are less precise and less consciously used and interpreted than verbal code
systems, but they can have powerful effects on perceptions of and interpretations about others.

Control Questions
1. Characteristics of non-verbal code
2. Cultural variations of non-verbal communication
3. Non-verbal functions of intercultural communication

1. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
2. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:

Lecture 14
Theme: Linguacultural competence
Hours: 1
Main issues of the topic:
1. Linguacultural approach
2. Cultural background knowledge
3. Linguacultural competence

Lecture Theses
Linguaculture as a special complex unit that represents the dialectical unity of linguistic and
extralinguistic (conceptual and subject) content and includes segments not only of a language
(linguistic significance), but also of a culture (extra-linguistic cultural meaning), represented by
an appropriate sign. In contrast to the word and the lexico-semantic version, the linguaculture
represents both as a linguistic representation itself and an “extra-linguistic, cultural environment”
(situation, reality) - a stable network of associations. Therefore, the word signal will inevitably be
in a person who knows the language, not only the meanings (as a hint), but the entire totality of
the “cultural halo”. The ability of intercultural communication is the formation of secondary
cognitive consciousness in students by mastering a foreign language, which can be achieved
through linguacultural study of quite representative cultural fragments.

Control Questions
1. Linguacultural approach
2. Cultural background knowledge
3. Linguacultural competence

1. Маслова В. А. Лингвокультурология: Учебное пособие [Текст] / В. А. Маслова. - М.:
Академия, 2001. - 208 с.

Lecture 15
Theme: Research in Linguocultural Studies
Hours: 1
Main issues of the topic:
1. Linguoculturological analysis of texts
2. Concept as the main category of linguoculturology
3. Fields of Linguacultural Studies

Lecture Theses
Linguoculturological analysis of texts as the real keepers of culture. Methods and techniques of
investigations. The main category of linguoculturology is concept which is defined as the
conventional mental unit directed to the complex studying of language, mind and culture. The
main object of linguoculturology is the interconnection and interaction of culture and language in
the process of its operation; the study of interpretation of this interaction as a whole system. The
subject of linguoculturology is the national forms of existence of nations which are reproduced in
a system of language communication and which are based upon their cultural possessions. The
language picture of the world. Five main fields according to the purposes of the investigations. 1.
Linguoculturology of separate social group, ethnos in any bright epoch from the point of view of
culture (the investigation of concrete linguistic situation). 2. Diachronic linguoculturology (the
investigation of changes of linguocultural state of ethnos in a period of time. 3. Comparative
linguoculturology (the investigation of linguocultural demonstrations of different but
interconnected ethnoses. 4. Confrontational linguoculturology (the youngest field). There are only
several works in this area. The most interesting is M. Golovanivskaya “French mentality from the
point of view of Russian person”. 5. Linguocultural lexicography (practice the compiling of
linguo-area studies dictionaries). Linguoculturology is an actively developing field of linguistics.

Control Questions
1. Linguoculturological analysis of texts
2. Concept as the main category of linguoculturology
3. Fields of Linguacultural Studies

1. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
2. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:

9.2. Семинар/практиктические занятия

Seminar 1
Theme: Linguocultural Studies
Hours: 2
Main issues of the topic:
1. Study of a natural language in cultural and social aspects
2. The Language Map of the World
3. The linguacultural approach in teaching a foreign language

1. Report on the following:
1.1. Study of a natural language in cultural and social aspects
1.2. The Language Map of the World
1.3. The linguacultural approach in teaching a foreign language
2. Analyze the Research Paper

1. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура: Лингвострановедение в
преподавании русского языка как иностранного [Текст] / Е.М. Верещагин, В.Г. Костомаров.
- 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Русский язык, 1990. - 246 с.
2. Маслова В. А. Лингвокультурология: Учебное пособие [Текст] / В. А. Маслова. - М.:
Академия, 2001. - 208 с.

Seminar 2
Theme: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Hours: 2
Main issues of the topic:
1. Location, Geography, Demography
2. Linguistic Affiliation.
3. Symbolism
4. Emergence of the Nation
5. Classes and Castes
6. Political life
7. Etiquette
8. Traditions and customs
9. Literature
10. English folk legends

Report on the following:
1. Location, Geography, Demography
2. Linguistic Affiliation.
3. Symbolism
4. Emergence of the Nation
5. Classes and Castes
6. Political life
7. Etiquette
8. Traditions and customs
9. Literature
10. English folk legends

1. United Kingdom. URL: https://www.everyculture.com/To-Z/United-Kingdom.html
2. Mikhailov, N. N. English Cultural Studies. Лингвострановедение Англии: Учеб. пособие
для студ. филол. фак. и фак. ин. яз. высш. учеб. заведений. / Н. Н. Михайлов. - М.:
Издательский центр и «Академия», 2006. - 208 с. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/188394/

Seminar 3
Theme: The United States of America
Hours: 2
Тақырыптың негізгі сұрақтары / жоспары:
1. Location, Geography, Demography
2. Linguistic Affiliation
3. Symbolism
4. Emergence of the Nation
5. National Identity
6. Ethnic Relations
7. Food in Daily Life
8. Political life
9. Literature

Report on the following:
1. Location, Geography, Demography
2. Linguistic Affiliation.
3. Symbolism.
4. Emergence of the Nation
5. National Identity.
6. Ethnic Relations
7. Food in Daily Life.
8. Political life
9. Literature

1. The USA. URL: https://www.everyculture.com/To-Z/United-States-of-America.html
2. Campbell, N. American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture. London:
Routledge, 2000. — 303 p. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/799164/

Seminar 4
Theme: The Relationship of Language, Culture and Thought
Hours: 2
Main issues of the topic:
1. Language as the most important symbolic aspect of culture
2. Language and thinking
3. Cultural thought patterns behind the language of communication
4. Language as a collector of culture

Report on the following:
1. Language as the most important symbolic aspect of culture
2. Language and thinking
3. Cultural thought patterns behind the language of communication
4. Language as a collector of culture

1. Lustig, M.W., Jolene Koester. Intercultural Competence, 7th Edition. Pearson Learning
Solutions, 07/2012. VitalBook file.
2. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/

Seminar 5
Theme: National Stereotypes in Cross-cultural Communication
Hours: 2
Main issues of the topic:
1. Definition of stereotype
2. Theories of stereotypes’ development
3. Lexicalized stereotypes
4. Gender profiling
5. Stereotypes through culture perspective
6. Classification of stereotypes

Report on the following:
1. Definition of stereotype
2. Theories of stereotypes’ development
3. Lexicalized stereotypes
4. Gender profiling
5. Stereotypes through culture perspective
6. Classification of stereotypes

1. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
2. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:
Seminar 6
Theme: Cultural Norms and Cultural Values
Hours: 2
Main issues of the topic:
1. Culture is the collection of customs, attitudes, values, and beliefs
2. Values as intangible qualities or beliefs accepted and endorsed by a given society
3. Characteristics and qualities of values
4. Examples of modern U.S. values
5. British values
6. Ten values shared by 70 cultures spread throughout the world
7. Norms as conditions for social relations between groups and individuals, for the structure of
society and the difference between societies, and for human behavior in general
8. Types of norms

Report on the following:
1. Culture is the collection of customs, attitudes, values, and beliefs
2. Values as intangible qualities or beliefs accepted and endorsed by a given society
3. Characteristics and qualities of values
4. Examples of modern U.S. values
5. British values
6. Ten values shared by 70 cultures spread throughout the world
7. Norms as conditions for social relations between groups and individuals, for the structure of
society and the difference between societies, and for human behavior in general
8. Types of norms

1. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
2. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:

Seminar 7
Theme: Cultural Identity and Cultural Biases
Hours: 2
Main issues of the topic:
1. Characteristics of Cultural Identity
2. Cultural Biases

Report on the following:
1. Characteristics of Cultural Identity
2. Cultural Biases

1. Lustig, M.W., Koester, J. Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal communication across
cultures. 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2010. URL:
Seminar 8
Theme: Culture Shock
Hours: 2
Main issues of the topic:
1. Culture Shock
2. Series of reaction to a new culture
3. Adaptability

Report on the following:
1. Culture Shock
2. Series of reaction to a new culture
3. Adaptability

1. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
2. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:

Seminar 9
Theme: Discourse and Culture
Hours: 2
Main issues of the topic:
1. Cultural aspects of discourse
2. Approaches to discourse
3. Cultural scripts
4. Discourse styles

Report on the following:
1. Cultural aspects of discourse
2. Approaches to discourse
3. Cultural scripts
4. Discourse styles

1. Schiffrin, D. Approaches to discourse. Cambridge, MA & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. Pp. 470.
URL: https://pdf.wecabrio.com/approaches-to-discourse-by-deborah-schiffrin.pdf
2. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:

Seminar 10
Theme: Culture-specific words
Hours: 2
Main issues of the topic:
1. How can culture underlie words
2. Categories of cultural words

Report on the following:
1. How can culture underlie words
2. Categories of cultural words

1. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
2. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:

Seminar 11
Theme: Cultural Metaphors and Cross-cultural Paradoxes
Hours: 2
Main issues of the topic:
1. Cultural Metaphors
2. Cross-cultural Paradoxes

Report on the following:
1. Cultural Metaphors
2. Cross-cultural Paradoxes

1. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
2. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:

Seminar 12
Theme: Transferring Culturally marked words
Hours: 2
Main issues of the topic:
1. English Culturally marked words
2. Ways of translating culturally marked words

Report on the following:
1. English Culturally marked words
2. Ways of translating culturally marked words

1. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
2. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:

Seminar 13
Theme: Non-verbal Intercultural Communication
Hours: 2
Main issues of the topic:
1. Eye contact and looking behaviors
2. Personal space use
3. Gestures
4. Touching
5. Voice
6. Time

Report on the following:
1. Eye contact and looking behaviors
2. Personal space use
3. Gestures
4. Touching
5. Voice
6. Time

1. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
2. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:

Seminar 14
Theme: Linguacultural competence
Hours: 2
Main issues of the topic:
1. Linguacultural approach
2. Cultural background knowledge
3. Linguacultural competence

Report on the following:
1. Linguacultural approach
2. Cultural background knowledge
3. Linguacultural competence

1. Маслова В. А. Лингвокультурология: Учебное пособие [Текст] / В. А. Маслова. - М.:
Академия, 2001. - 208 с.

Seminar 15
Theme: Research in Linguocultural Studies
Hours: 2
Main issues of the topic:
1. Linguoculturological analysis of texts
2. Concept as the main category of linguoculturology
3. Fields of Linguacultural Studies

Report on the following:
1. Linguoculturological analysis of texts
2. Concept as the main category of linguoculturology
3. Fields of Linguacultural Studies

1. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
2. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:

9.3 Лабораторные занятия нет

9.4 Самостоятельная работа магистранта с преподавателем (СРМП)

Task 1. Linguocultural Studies - Presenting glossary
- Review the literature, textbooks, research papers and websites;
- Compile a glossary related to the topic consisting of at least 15 words or expressions.
- Indicate references used.

- 1. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура: Лингвострановедение в
преподавании русского языка как иностранного [Текст] / Е.М. Верещагин, В.Г.
Костомаров. - 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Русский язык, 1990. - 246 с.
- 2. Маслова В. А. Лингвокультурология: Учебное пособие [Текст] / В. А. Маслова. -
М.: Академия, 2001. - 208 с.
- 3. Mikhailov, N. N. English Cultural Studies. Лингвострановедение Англии: Учеб.
пособие для студ. филол. фак. и фак. ин. яз. высш. учеб. заведений. / Н. Н. Михайлов.
- М.:
- Издательский центр и «Академия», 2006. - 208 с. URL:
- 4. Campbell, N. American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture. London:
Routledge, 2000. — 303 p. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/799164/
- 5. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on
Language and Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL:
- 6. Schiffrin, D. Approaches to discourse. Cambridge, MA & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. Pp.
470. URL: https://pdf.wecabrio.com/approaches-to-discourse-by-deborah-schiffrin.pdf
- 7. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.),
Discourse as Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:
- 8. Lustig, M.W., Koester, J. Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal communication
across cultures. 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2010. URL:
- 9. https://www.researchgate.net/
- 10. https://www.scopus.com/home.uri

Task 2. Language as the Most Important Symbolic Aspect of Culture - Conducting analytical
report on research papers
- Review the literature, textbooks, research papers and websites;
- Prepare an analytical report on the topic;
- Speak on the topic for 5 minutes.

1. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура: Лингвострановедение в
преподавании русского языка как иностранного [Текст] / Е.М. Верещагин, В.Г. Костомаров.
- 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Русский язык, 1990. - 246 с.
2. Маслова В. А. Лингвокультурология: Учебное пособие [Текст] / В. А. Маслова. - М.:
Академия, 2001. - 208 с.
3. Mikhailov, N. N. English Cultural Studies. Лингвострановедение Англии: Учеб. пособие
для студ. филол. фак. и фак. ин. яз. высш. учеб. заведений. / Н. Н. Михайлов. - М.:
Издательский центр и «Академия», 2006. - 208 с. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/188394/
4. Campbell, N. American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture. London:
Routledge, 2000. — 303 p. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/799164/
5. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
6. Schiffrin, D. Approaches to discourse. Cambridge, MA & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. Pp. 470.
URL: https://pdf.wecabrio.com/approaches-to-discourse-by-deborah-schiffrin.pdf
7. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:
8. Lustig, M.W., Koester, J. Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal communication across
cultures. 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2010. URL:
9. https://www.researchgate.net/
10. https://www.scopus.com/home.uri

Task 3. Choosing a Topic for Linguacultural Research - Making literature review

- Review the literature, textbooks, research papers and websites;
- Review the research papers on the journal and open access websites;
- Compare articles on Psycholinguistics;
- Prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the topic;
- Slideshows must include 3 pages for introduction, conclusion and references, 7-10 pages
for body;
- Indicate references used in your PPT;
- Speak on the topic for 5 minutes.

1. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура: Лингвострановедение в
преподавании русского языка как иностранного [Текст] / Е.М. Верещагин, В.Г. Костомаров.
- 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Русский язык, 1990. - 246 с.
2. Маслова В. А. Лингвокультурология: Учебное пособие [Текст] / В. А. Маслова. - М.:
Академия, 2001. - 208 с.
3. Mikhailov, N. N. English Cultural Studies. Лингвострановедение Англии: Учеб. пособие
для студ. филол. фак. и фак. ин. яз. высш. учеб. заведений. / Н. Н. Михайлов. - М.:
Издательский центр и «Академия», 2006. - 208 с. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/188394/
4. Campbell, N. American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture. London:
Routledge, 2000. — 303 p. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/799164/
5. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
6. Schiffrin, D. Approaches to discourse. Cambridge, MA & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. Pp. 470.
URL: https://pdf.wecabrio.com/approaches-to-discourse-by-deborah-schiffrin.pdf
7. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:
8. Lustig, M.W., Koester, J. Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal communication across
cultures. 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2010. URL:
9. https://www.researchgate.net/
10. https://www.scopus.com/home.uri

Task 4. Planning a Research - Writing a plan and abstract of research

- Review the literature, textbooks, research papers and websites;
- Prepare a plan and abstract on the topic;
- Speak on the topic for 5 minutes.

1. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура: Лингвострановедение в
преподавании русского языка как иностранного [Текст] / Е.М. Верещагин, В.Г. Костомаров.
- 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Русский язык, 1990. - 246 с.
2. Маслова В. А. Лингвокультурология: Учебное пособие [Текст] / В. А. Маслова. - М.:
Академия, 2001. - 208 с.
3. Mikhailov, N. N. English Cultural Studies. Лингвострановедение Англии: Учеб. пособие
для студ. филол. фак. и фак. ин. яз. высш. учеб. заведений. / Н. Н. Михайлов. - М.:
Издательский центр и «Академия», 2006. - 208 с. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/188394/
4. Campbell, N. American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture. London:
Routledge, 2000. — 303 p. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/799164/
5. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
6. Schiffrin, D. Approaches to discourse. Cambridge, MA & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. Pp. 470.
URL: https://pdf.wecabrio.com/approaches-to-discourse-by-deborah-schiffrin.pdf
7. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:
8. Lustig, M.W., Koester, J. Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal communication across
cultures. 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2010. URL:
9. https://www.researchgate.net/
10. https://www.scopus.com/home.uri

Task 5. Selecting Methodology - Choosing sample and methods of research

- Review the literature, textbooks, research papers and websites;
- Choose sample and methods of research on the topic;
- Speak on the topic for 5 minutes.

1. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура: Лингвострановедение в
преподавании русского языка как иностранного [Текст] / Е.М. Верещагин, В.Г. Костомаров.
- 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Русский язык, 1990. - 246 с.
2. Маслова В. А. Лингвокультурология: Учебное пособие [Текст] / В. А. Маслова. - М.:
Академия, 2001. - 208 с.
3. Mikhailov, N. N. English Cultural Studies. Лингвострановедение Англии: Учеб. пособие
для студ. филол. фак. и фак. ин. яз. высш. учеб. заведений. / Н. Н. Михайлов. - М.:
Издательский центр и «Академия», 2006. - 208 с. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/188394/
4. Campbell, N. American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture. London:
Routledge, 2000. — 303 p. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/799164/
5. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
6. Schiffrin, D. Approaches to discourse. Cambridge, MA & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. Pp. 470.
URL: https://pdf.wecabrio.com/approaches-to-discourse-by-deborah-schiffrin.pdf
7. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:
8. Lustig, M.W., Koester, J. Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal communication across
cultures. 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2010. URL:
9. https://www.researchgate.net/
10. https://www.scopus.com/home.uri

Task 6. Presenting Results - Preparing results and discussion part of research

- Review the literature, textbooks, research papers and websites;
- Prepare results and discussion part of research on the topic;
- Speak on the topic for 5 minutes.

1. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура: Лингвострановедение в
преподавании русского языка как иностранного [Текст] / Е.М. Верещагин, В.Г. Костомаров.
- 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Русский язык, 1990. - 246 с.
2. Маслова В. А. Лингвокультурология: Учебное пособие [Текст] / В. А. Маслова. - М.:
Академия, 2001. - 208 с.
3. Mikhailov, N. N. English Cultural Studies. Лингвострановедение Англии: Учеб. пособие
для студ. филол. фак. и фак. ин. яз. высш. учеб. заведений. / Н. Н. Михайлов. - М.:
Издательский центр и «Академия», 2006. - 208 с. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/188394/
4. Campbell, N. American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture. London:
Routledge, 2000. — 303 p. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/799164/
5. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
6. Schiffrin, D. Approaches to discourse. Cambridge, MA & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. Pp. 470.
URL: https://pdf.wecabrio.com/approaches-to-discourse-by-deborah-schiffrin.pdf
7. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:
8. Lustig, M.W., Koester, J. Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal communication across
cultures. 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2010. URL:
9. https://www.researchgate.net/
10. https://www.scopus.com/home.uri

Task 7. Concluding Research - Writing conclusion on research

- Write conclusion to your research paper;
- Prepare a PowerPoint presentation on your resarch;
- Slideshows must include 3 pages for introduction, conclusion and references, 7-10 pages
for body;
- Indicate references used in your research;
- Speak on the topic for 5 minutes.

1. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура: Лингвострановедение в
преподавании русского языка как иностранного [Текст] / Е.М. Верещагин, В.Г. Костомаров.
- 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Русский язык, 1990. - 246 с.
2. Маслова В. А. Лингвокультурология: Учебное пособие [Текст] / В. А. Маслова. - М.:
Академия, 2001. - 208 с.
3. Mikhailov, N. N. English Cultural Studies. Лингвострановедение Англии: Учеб. пособие
для студ. филол. фак. и фак. ин. яз. высш. учеб. заведений. / Н. Н. Михайлов. - М.:
Издательский центр и «Академия», 2006. - 208 с. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/188394/
4. Campbell, N. American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture. London:
Routledge, 2000. — 303 p. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/799164/
5. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
6. Schiffrin, D. Approaches to discourse. Cambridge, MA & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. Pp. 470.
URL: https://pdf.wecabrio.com/approaches-to-discourse-by-deborah-schiffrin.pdf
7. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:
8. Lustig, M.W., Koester, J. Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal communication across
cultures. 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2010. URL:
9. https://www.researchgate.net/
10. https://www.scopus.com/home.uri
9.5 Самостоятельная работа магистранта (СРМ)
Task 1. Cultural Studies - Presenting analytical report on research papers; Choosing a topic for
- Review the research papers on the journal and open access websites;
- Compare research on Cultural Studies;
- Evaluate the quality of research;
- Analyze conducted research;
- Prepare an analytical report on the topic;
- Indicate references used in your report;
- Choose the Research topic from:
1. Language and Culture
2. The Unwritten Behavior Codes
3. Characteristics of Culture of the UK
4. The British National Character
5. The British Weather and the British rules of weather-speak
6. The British Humour
7. Taboos in the British Society
8. The British Etiquette
9. The British Superstitions
10. The British “Sweet Tooth”
11. The British Tea Culture
12. Characteristics of American Culture
13. The American National Character
14. Music of the United States
15. American Dream
16. Melting Pot or Salad Bowl
17. American Ideals of Freedom
18. Race and Rasism in Americal Linguaculture
19. Free offer

1. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура: Лингвострановедение в
преподавании русского языка как иностранного [Текст] / Е.М. Верещагин, В.Г. Костомаров.
- 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Русский язык, 1990. - 246 с.
2. Маслова В. А. Лингвокультурология: Учебное пособие [Текст] / В. А. Маслова. - М.:
Академия, 2001. - 208 с.
3. Mikhailov, N. N. English Cultural Studies. Лингвострановедение Англии: Учеб. пособие
для студ. филол. фак. и фак. ин. яз. высш. учеб. заведений. / Н. Н. Михайлов. - М.:
Издательский центр и «Академия», 2006. - 208 с. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/188394/
4. Campbell, N. American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture. London:
Routledge, 2000. — 303 p. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/799164/
5. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
6. Schiffrin, D. Approaches to discourse. Cambridge, MA & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. Pp. 470.
URL: https://pdf.wecabrio.com/approaches-to-discourse-by-deborah-schiffrin.pdf
7. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:
8. Lustig, M.W., Koester, J. Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal communication across
cultures. 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2010. URL:
9. https://www.researchgate.net/
10. https://www.scopus.com/home.uri

Task 2. Research in Cultural Studies - Making literature review

- Look through the literature, textbooks, research papers and websites;
- Analyze conducted research;
- State the main theories and results on the selected topic;
- Prepare a review on the topic;
- Indicate references used in your review.

1. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура: Лингвострановедение в
преподавании русского языка как иностранного [Текст] / Е.М. Верещагин, В.Г. Костомаров.
- 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Русский язык, 1990. - 246 с.
2. Маслова В. А. Лингвокультурология: Учебное пособие [Текст] / В. А. Маслова. - М.:
Академия, 2001. - 208 с.
3. Mikhailov, N. N. English Cultural Studies. Лингвострановедение Англии: Учеб. пособие
для студ. филол. фак. и фак. ин. яз. высш. учеб. заведений. / Н. Н. Михайлов. - М.:
Издательский центр и «Академия», 2006. - 208 с. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/188394/
4. Campbell, N. American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture. London:
Routledge, 2000. — 303 p. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/799164/
5. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
6. Schiffrin, D. Approaches to discourse. Cambridge, MA & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. Pp. 470.
URL: https://pdf.wecabrio.com/approaches-to-discourse-by-deborah-schiffrin.pdf
7. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:
8. Lustig, M.W., Koester, J. Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal communication across
cultures. 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2010. URL:
9. https://www.researchgate.net/
10. https://www.scopus.com/home.uri

Task 3. Understanding and Designing Experiments - Presenting a plan and abstract of research
- Select a theme for research;
- Design a research;
- Make a plan of Research;
- Write an abstract of research with at least 500 words containing of relevance, aim, and
methods of the planned research.

1. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура: Лингвострановедение в
преподавании русского языка как иностранного [Текст] / Е.М. Верещагин, В.Г. Костомаров.
- 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Русский язык, 1990. - 246 с.
2. Маслова В. А. Лингвокультурология: Учебное пособие [Текст] / В. А. Маслова. - М.:
Академия, 2001. - 208 с.
3. Mikhailov, N. N. English Cultural Studies. Лингвострановедение Англии: Учеб. пособие
для студ. филол. фак. и фак. ин. яз. высш. учеб. заведений. / Н. Н. Михайлов. - М.:
Издательский центр и «Академия», 2006. - 208 с. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/188394/
4. Campbell, N. American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture. London:
Routledge, 2000. — 303 p. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/799164/
5. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
6. Schiffrin, D. Approaches to discourse. Cambridge, MA & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. Pp. 470.
URL: https://pdf.wecabrio.com/approaches-to-discourse-by-deborah-schiffrin.pdf
7. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:
8. Lustig, M.W., Koester, J. Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal communication across
cultures. 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2010. URL:
9. https://www.researchgate.net/
10. https://www.scopus.com/home.uri

Task 4. Experimental Methods in Cultural Studies - Presenting Sample and Methods of research
- Based on the design and a plan of research describe the methods to be used during your
study on the selected theme;
- Write the sample part stating the participants of your research.

1. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура: Лингвострановедение в
преподавании русского языка как иностранного [Текст] / Е.М. Верещагин, В.Г. Костомаров.
- 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Русский язык, 1990. - 246 с.
2. Маслова В. А. Лингвокультурология: Учебное пособие [Текст] / В. А. Маслова. - М.:
Академия, 2001. - 208 с.
3. Mikhailov, N. N. English Cultural Studies. Лингвострановедение Англии: Учеб. пособие
для студ. филол. фак. и фак. ин. яз. высш. учеб. заведений. / Н. Н. Михайлов. - М.:
Издательский центр и «Академия», 2006. - 208 с. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/188394/
4. Campbell, N. American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture. London:
Routledge, 2000. — 303 p. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/799164/
5. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
6. Schiffrin, D. Approaches to discourse. Cambridge, MA & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. Pp. 470.
URL: https://pdf.wecabrio.com/approaches-to-discourse-by-deborah-schiffrin.pdf
7. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:
8. Lustig, M.W., Koester, J. Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal communication across
cultures. 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2010. URL:
9. https://www.researchgate.net/
10. https://www.scopus.com/home.uri

Task 5. Reporting research results - Presenting Results and Discussion part of research
- Based on the design and a plan of research describe the results obtained during your study
on the selected theme;
- Write the discussion part comparing your results with existing ones.

1. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура: Лингвострановедение в
преподавании русского языка как иностранного [Текст] / Е.М. Верещагин, В.Г. Костомаров.
- 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Русский язык, 1990. - 246 с.
2. Маслова В. А. Лингвокультурология: Учебное пособие [Текст] / В. А. Маслова. - М.:
Академия, 2001. - 208 с.
3. Mikhailov, N. N. English Cultural Studies. Лингвострановедение Англии: Учеб. пособие
для студ. филол. фак. и фак. ин. яз. высш. учеб. заведений. / Н. Н. Михайлов. - М.:
Издательский центр и «Академия», 2006. - 208 с. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/188394/
4. Campbell, N. American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture. London:
Routledge, 2000. — 303 p. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/799164/
5. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
6. Schiffrin, D. Approaches to discourse. Cambridge, MA & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. Pp. 470.
URL: https://pdf.wecabrio.com/approaches-to-discourse-by-deborah-schiffrin.pdf
7. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:
8. Lustig, M.W., Koester, J. Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal communication across
cultures. 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2010. URL:
9. https://www.researchgate.net/
10. https://www.scopus.com/home.uri

Task 6. Communicating research content in Cultural Studies - Presenting papers

- Prepare a paper on the selected theme based on designed research, methods and results;
- Add introduction based on the literature review from Task 2;
- Compare the final paper with the abstract prepared while completing Task 3;
- Evaluate your research and add implications.

1. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура: Лингвострановедение в
преподавании русского языка как иностранного [Текст] / Е.М. Верещагин, В.Г. Костомаров.
- 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Русский язык, 1990. - 246 с.
2. Маслова В. А. Лингвокультурология: Учебное пособие [Текст] / В. А. Маслова. - М.:
Академия, 2001. - 208 с.
3. Mikhailov, N. N. English Cultural Studies. Лингвострановедение Англии: Учеб. пособие
для студ. филол. фак. и фак. ин. яз. высш. учеб. заведений. / Н. Н. Михайлов. - М.:
Издательский центр и «Академия», 2006. - 208 с. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/188394/
4. Campbell, N. American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture. London:
Routledge, 2000. — 303 p. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/799164/
5. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
6. Schiffrin, D. Approaches to discourse. Cambridge, MA & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. Pp. 470.
URL: https://pdf.wecabrio.com/approaches-to-discourse-by-deborah-schiffrin.pdf
7. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:
8. Lustig, M.W., Koester, J. Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal communication across
cultures. 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2010. URL:
9. https://www.researchgate.net/
10. https://www.scopus.com/home.uri


1. Study of a natural language in cultural and social aspects
2. The Language Map of the World
3. The linguacultural approach in teaching a foreign language
4. Location, Geography, Demography of the UK
5. Linguistic Affiliation of the UK
6. Symbolism in the UK
7. Emergence of the Nation in the UK
8. Classes and Castes in the UK
9. Political life of the UK
10. Etiquette of the UK
11. Traditions and customs of the UK
12. Literature of the UK
13. English folk legends
14. Location, Geography, Demography of the USA
15. Linguistic Affiliation of the USA
16. Symbolism of the USA
17. Emergence of the Nation
18. National Identity of the USA
19. Ethnic Relations of the USA
20. Food in Daily Life in the USA
21. Political life of the USA
22. Literature of the USA
23. Language as the most important symbolic aspect of culture
24. Language and thinking
25. Cultural thought patterns behind the language of communication
26. Language as a collector of culture
27. Definition of stereotype
28. Theories of stereotypes’ development
29. Lexicalized stereotypes
30. Gender profiling
31. Stereotypes through culture perspective
32. Classification of stereotypes
33. Culture is the collection of customs, attitudes, values, and beliefs
34. Values as intangible qualities or beliefs accepted and endorsed by a given society
35. Characteristics and qualities of values
36. Examples of modern U.S. values
37. British values
38. Ten values shared by 70 cultures spread throughout the world
39. Norms as conditions for social relations between groups and individuals, for the structure of
society and the difference between societies, and for human behavior in general
40. Types of norms
41. Characteristics of Cultural Identity
42. Cultural Biases
43. Culture Shock
44. Series of reaction to a new culture
45. Adaptability
46. Cultural aspects of discourse
47. Approaches to discourse
48. Cultural scripts
49. Discourse styles
50. How can culture underlie words
51. Categories of cultural words
52. Cultural Metaphors
53. Cross-cultural Paradoxes
54. English Culturally marked words
55. Ways of translating culturally marked words
56. Eye contact and looking behaviors in Intercultural Communication
57. Personal space use in Intercultural Communication
58. Gestures in Intercultural Communication
59. Touching in Intercultural Communication
60. Voice in Intercultural Communication
61. Time in Intercultural Communication
62. Cultural background knowledge
63. Linguacultural competence
64. Linguoculturological analysis of texts
65. Concept as the main category of linguoculturology
66. Fields of Linguacultural Studies

11. Список источников и электронных ресурсов

Основная литература/ материалы
1. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура: Лингвострановедение в
преподавании русского языка как иностранного [Текст] / Е.М. Верещагин, В.Г. Костомаров.
- 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Русский язык, 1990. - 246 с.
2. Маслова В. А. Лингвокультурология: Учебное пособие [Текст] / В. А. Маслова. - М.:
Академия, 2001. - 208 с.
3. Mikhailov, N. N. English Cultural Studies. Лингвострановедение Англии: Учеб. пособие
для студ. филол. фак. и фак. ин. яз. высш. учеб. заведений. / Н. Н. Михайлов. - М.:
Издательский центр и «Академия», 2006. - 208 с. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/188394/
4. Campbell, N. American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture. London:
Routledge, 2000. — 303 p. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/799164/
5. Barker С., Galasiński D. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and
Identity. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. — 208 pages. URL: https://www.twirpx.com/file/909702/
Дополнительная литература/ материалы
1. Schiffrin, D. Approaches to discourse. Cambridge, MA & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. Pp. 470.
URL: https://pdf.wecabrio.com/approaches-to-discourse-by-deborah-schiffrin.pdf
2. Goddard, C., Wierzbicka, A. Discourse and Culture. In Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as
Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 1997. pp 231-259. URL:
3. Lustig, M.W., Koester, J. Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal communication across
cultures. 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2010. URL:
Электронные ресурсы:
1. https://www.researchgate.net/
2. https://www.scopus.com/home.uri

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№ Количество баллов Примечание

І рубежный контроль-80
Виды текущего контроля баллов,
ІІ рубежный контроль -70
2 балла- за 1
режиме в режиме оffline
нед 8 7
ель неде недел
По лекционным занятиям 8 online -лекции
- ль - ь-
недель - проводятся в
ma max. max.1
x.1 16 4 соответствии с
баллов расписанием
4 балл балло
бал ов в и Syllabus дисципли
лов ны, оцениваются
1.1 Посещение видеолекции 0-7
0-4 в оffline режиме
1 бал
баллов успеваемость
1.2 Активность в 0-7
0-12 оценивается по
видеолекциях (вопросы, бал -
баллов выполненным
блиц-вопросы, обсуждение) лов
заданиям на
1.1 Создание конспекта
лекций на основе 0-4 0-7
отправленных на
видеолекций на YouTube - балл балло
портал «Univer»
канале и загрузка их на ов в
(электронная почта
платформу «Univer»
используется, если
1.2 Выполнение письменной доступ ограничен)
0-12 0-7
работы по вопросам лекции
- балл балло
(тесты, эссе, словари,
ов в
глоссарии, таблицы и т. д.)
2 По практическим
8 недель - max.24 баллов 3 балла – за 1
и/или лабораторным
7 недель - max.21 баллов неделю
2.1 Посещение видеоуроков 8 недель - 0-8 баллов
согласно расписанию Задания включают
7 недель 0-7 баллов
темы в Syllabus и
8 недель - 0-16 баллов занятия проходят
2.2 Активное участие в онлайн по
практических / семинарских 7 недель 0-14 баллов расписанию
/ лабораторных занятиях
3 Самостоятельная работа 8 недель - max.20 балл
Выполняется при
студентов под (2,5 балла – за 1 неделю)
обратной связи с
руководством 7 недель - max.21 балл
преподавателем по
преподавателя (СРСП) (3 балла – за 1 неделю)
3.1 Выполнение задании 8 недель - 0-8 баллов
обратная связь
СРСП по расписанию и
загрузка их на платформу
7 недель – 0-7 баллов через платформу
3.2 Защита и презентация 8 недель - 0-12 баллов (электронная почта
задания СРСП, загрузить
используется, если
презентации на платформу
7 недель – 0-14 баллов доступ ограничен)
4 Самостоятельная работа 8 недель - max.20 баллов
студентов (СРС) (2,5 балла – за 1 неделю)
7 недель - max.14 баллов
(2 балла – за 1 неделю)
4.1 Выполнение задании СРС 8 недель - 0-8 баллов
по графику и загрузка их на Проверка заданий и
платформу «Univer». 7 недель- 0-7 баллов обратная связь
4.2 Умение работать осуществляется
самостоятельно и творчески 8 недель - 0-12 баллов через платформу
(написание конспектов, «Univer»
рефератов, составление (электронная почта
библиографий, планов, используется, если
логических идей, 7 недель - 0-7 баллов доступ ограничен)
аргументов, выводов и т. д.)
5 Рубежный контроль 20 / 30 8-я и 15-ая неделя
6 Промежуточный 100 Согласно
контроль(экзамен) расписанию
Примечание! Текущий контроль успеваемости студентов проводится регулярно на
платформе университета «Univer» в соответствии с расписанием.


Политика курса состоит из административных требований и принципов академической
❖ административные требования:
- полное освоение знаний по предмету;
- освоение компетенций по ОП;
- уважительное и вежливое отношение к преподавателям, сотрудникам и обучающимся;
- не менять задания самостоятельно (произвольно) и соблюдать требования, указанные в
- посещение занятии в онлайн и офлайн-режимах в соответствии с расписанием;
- эффективное использование контента по теме, например, регулярное прослушивание
видеолекций по темам на канале YouTube, задания, блиц-вопросы и т. д.;
- овладение навыками работы с информационными (техническими) средствами,
необходимыми для дисциплины и соблюдения технических требований;
- выполнение заданий СРС в срок, указанный в личном расписании преподавателя и
обратной связи с преподавателем-предметником;
- выполнение контрольных заданий (рубежный, промежуточный контроль) в установленные
сроки (кроме уважительных причин);
- ответственное отношение к имуществу вуза, кафедры;
- соблюдение внутренних правил университета;
- активное участие в работе кафедры, факультета, университета.

из «Академического кодекса честности»
Актюбинского регионального университета имени К.Жубанова
• получение качественных знаний;
• регулярное участие в онлайн-занятиях и использование электронных платформ
(«ZOOM», «MOODLE» и др.) в соответствии с утвержденным графиком.
• выполнять требования преподавателя, прописанные в силлабусе;
• самостоятельно выполнять все виды работ (задания СРСП, курсовые, выпускные
работы и др.) и вовремя предоставлять их преподавателю;
• не использовать сотовые телефоны, шпаргалки во время выполнений текущего,
рубежного, итогового видов контроля;
• при выполнении учебной, научно-исследовательской работы использовать
различные данные с указанием авторов, в конце привести список использованных
• использовать достоверные и надежные источники информации;
• не предоставлять свою работу для списывания другим обучающимся;
• не использовать личные, родственные или служебные связи для передачи взятки
преподавателям и администрации.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ! Политика курса является общей для университета

Приложение 1
Традиционная шкала оценок оценивания учебных достижений обучающихся
и бально-рейтинговая буквенная система, переведенная на ECTS (иситиэс)

Оценки по Числовой Баллы (%- Оценки по

буквенной эквивалент баллов ое традиционной
системе содержание) системе
А 4,0 95-100 Очень хорошо
А- 3,67 90-94
В+ 3,33 85-89 Хорошо
В 3,0 80-84
В- 2,67 75-79
С+ 2,33 70-74
С 2,0 65-69 Удовлетворительно
С- 1,67 60-64
D+ 1,33 55-59
D- 1,0 50-54
FX 0,5 25-49
F 0 0-24

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